The big fat COVID-19 thread.

I ran some internet speed tests at the bugout today and it’s plenty fast enough for my work needs. The company I work for has implemented a 3 team staffing setup. Team A works in the office for 2 weeks, office then gets a pandemic grade clean and the B team then come in for 2 weeks before the cycle repeats. I’ve been allocated to the C team that’s banned from the office and must work from home. When I get back to Sydney tomorrow night I’ll have a chat to the missus about me leaving the city for a couple months. Mostly I prefer the bug out as I can shoot as much as I want day and night :grinning: Covid-19 is just an excuse but don’t tell my missus.


So did I.
I think perhaps he’s just lacking a sense of humour and got a touch of the grumpy bastards because none of the Covid victims have come back as zombies yet, & we all know a lack of subjects makes for a very grumpy lord.

He’s not the only one Hoping for zombies!


We are all hoping for zombies.


Here’s info on the world situation.

China has slowed down other countries are starting to take off in the number of new cases.

Can wait to get some time off to head to my farm out west. Stay away from city folk… :rofl:


@ZombieLord I think you need to look at things a little light heartedly. Everyone understands the situation. Sort of like being in a raft, everyone is stressed and suddenly one guy jumps up and starts yelling “arrrrrrgggggghhhhhh we are all going to die”. Got to chill mate, it’s happening, need to stay positive. Take care like a realist and have an optimistic outlook. Pessimism never helped anything.

I’ve been a Corona Zombie many many times…But yes real zombies would just be happy happy joy joy!!

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Does anyone really believe any reports from China? Doing some research online and found their reported infection rate grew exponentially, ( as you would expect ), went to a near vertical line, then just flat-lined.
Yeah, sorry, calling bullshit on that.
The doom and gloom hype on this has grown out of all proportion. The projected numbers should be taken with a bucket load of salt. As with all statistics, they can be manipulated very easily to give the required results. Not saying that this isn’t a serious threat to the health of a lot of people, just that the reaction to it, mainly pushed by a fanatical media, has grown at a rate far higher than the infection rate of the virus. Check the numbers on flu deaths in Australia over the last few years, easily obtained from the Bureau of Statistics.

@grandadbushy, old joke, still funny but.

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This escalated quickly lol last week it was like ’ chill guys ’ now everyones freaking out on here

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Not everyone, we are just chilling out over here and we are just preparing to close the border to keep the infected on the east side of the line.
Lucky you seen sense and moved when you had the chance :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


The numbers that I really dont believe are from countries like Cambodia. The town of Kampong Som is basically owned by the Chinese in the last 10 years they have bought up nearly everything and turned it from a seaside resort to a town of Casino’s. Mostly staffed by mainland Chinese. The rate of spread in that county would also be huge due to local customs like shopping in markets that are covered in plastic at about head height, shoulder to shoulder people and no sanitation as in all meat out on tables, fish and seafood all in buckets and often flopping out onto the ground.

China has the cure. That’s why they have slowed…

Are you referring to that huge jump in early February? I remember reading that it was a due to a change in counting method. Rather than only counting lab confirmed cases, they started counting people who were symptomatic.

It also kinda makes sense that their numbers flat-lined. By that point, everyone was pretty much forced to stay home. Can’t spread a disease if you don’t see anyone lol.

@sungazer - I would be more worried about nations that didn’t have any testing for a long time. Indonesia didn’t have any cases till like late Feb, because they weren’t testing for it.

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Of course they have the cure, they made it at the same time they designed the virus :wink:

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There will be lots of poorer countries that will have no hope of testing, counting or isolating cases, African cities, places like India are gunna cop it hard I reckon.

Oh ffs man not you too. I was enjoying sanity, even improvement when WA and Tasmania got shut off from everyone and then there’s this. Please leave tinfoil at the door :slight_smile:

Mother fuckers eat some weird shit, that’s all there is to it.

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My company has implemented a fuckkkk its the end of the world pandemic plan…

Which entails everybody work from home now…

Been there since Wednesday.

Jesus relax mate, take a joke, you’re starting to sound like Zombielord. Or maybe you’re a Chinese secret agent spreading disinformation as well as Covid.
And anyway when under the microscope you can clearly see the “Made in China” label on the back of the little spores. :crazy_face:

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