The big fat COVID-19 thread.

@Gwion ,I didn’t say that’s what you should do, but it is what she’s thinking I reckon.
Start to tidy the shed, find something you thought you’d lost, dick around with that till you get inspiration to start another project, get frustrated because you can’t find something you need, start swearing at yourself, fire up the forge and start beating hot steel with a hammer to relieve the stress that cleaning up the shed started…or is that my plan for the day? :roll_eyes:


@JizzFlinger welcome back to the world of the free. I hear they are dropping the vax mandates in the NT.

Indeed! I should print some T-Shirts.

“Covid Mandate Hide and Seek Champion NT 2019-2022”

Many however, were not so fortumate:


Ha ha fucking ha.
I cant have my vaccine booster, because i had the virus that the stupid vaccine was ment to prevent!
Doctor wouldnt go for “lets not, but say that we did”…
Fucking joke.


Turn out you can end a state of emergency just by changing its name to a Covid 19 emergency and prolong it for another 2 years.

Fuck your state!



I did a meme, when do I get my meme war badge ??


Not sure if I should start a new thread called “How to start your totalitarian government in 5 easy steps” or continue with this one.

Looks like the powers that be are adding a few things to stop the AG from digging too deep into parliamentary decisions. No reference to Parliamentary privilege’s in the previous version. There’s some additional powers given to the AG in the act but only to be used on plebs.

Speaking of covAids.
See that phizer had to admit that they hadnt even tested to see if their jab prevented transmission (which of course it didn’t) of covid before they released it and we all had the “you have to get the jab to prevent community transmission” bullshit.


Im sorry but 2015 has passed.

Yep, but everyone now is just sayin oh well it happened lets move on. Bit of a shit attitude to have, they should be scruitinising everything the gov and doctors say from now on. I doubt there will be any serious repercussions for anyone who pushed this stuff even knowing it wasn’t effective.


What is the significance of 2015 ? Or are you just implying that we are already on that trip to hell, we are just seeing the scenery now.

That was the year they memed the cheeto man into the most powerful position in the world, casting a shadow over the normies for four very long years.

In Covid-related news, our former Chief Minister (superb liar) has scored a job with Fortescue boss Andrew Twiggy (imho the biggest and most successful bulshitter on planet earth) Forest.

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You just can’t beat the power of mega uber multinational corporations and human greed. It is what it is.

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Would agree, don’t forget he has Turdbull on his books also.

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If anyone in WA wants to have a say about how the WA state gov acted during the pandemic please respond below. Be mindful of the wording they use in the online form. It may be better to just sending an email submission with a brief paragraph expressing your thoughts.

If you were impacted by the WA Government’s COVID-19 management and response, and would like to make a submission to the review panel, you can do so by sending a written submission via this email address [email protected].

Alternatively, you can make a submission by completing the form, Review of WA’s COVID-19 management and response: Submissions