The big fat COVID-19 thread.

Oh fook! :roll_eyes:

I watched some of the live stream, it was a pretty violent affair all round. They were throwing flares at police at one point.

The Age is saying now that 6 officers have been hospitalised.

…and rubber bullets… Wow. Not much else to say.

This is the first time I ever remember tear gas & rubber bullets being used in Australia! :flushed::exploding_head:

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Welcome to Hong Kong, where “your” government listens to and respects your opinion and freedom!

While i’m normally the last person to be cheering on the Government or authority in general for that matter, when it comes to this issue i strangely find myself cheering for the bloody cops and just hoping some of those rubber bullets accidentally find peoples temples or throats.

I’m sure there were some decent people there who’d just reached the end of their tether (especially in Vic) & needed a rant, but most of the crowd are the very same cockheads that are running around ignoring all the directives & orders and keeping these infected numbers & lockdowns going because they’re just far too self important to suck it up.
Their actions are causing normal people who are playing the game to lose their businesses, homes & families, and suffer through more shit than they should.
Fuck 'em, hit them with the guns & gas, then trample them with the horses and kick the shit out of what’s left.

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I agree there are some professional protesters there just there to cause trouble. But to be honest I am over the lockdowns. We have all had the opportunity to get a vaccine or take the risk. I think the effects of the virus are pretty well known now so people can make there own decisions rather than have them forced on us by lockdown.
Last week I posted that my daughters school camp had to be canceled. The school did the best they could and came up with a school sleepover with a visit to a rural zoo and other activities. That was to be at the end of this week. She is now really pissed.
Then there is stopping school with no notice to the teachers. Calling a lockdown on Saturday morning to take effect at lunch time is crazy. There were heaps of local sports taking place in rural Vic on Saturday. It turned all those people into crims basically just stupid stuff. sorry rant over.

I am surprised that no one has brought up the fact that they allowed the BLM protests to go ahead while lockdowns were in place but you are not allowed to protest about the lockdowns while in lockdowns… :thinking:


Too much of a hot potato that one, make one negative comment about it and they twist it to say you’re against BLM & not the actual protest itself during covid, then you’re branded a racist & whatever else they can think of lol.

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Mate that sucks and i really feel for you guys getting hammered down there, if i was in Vic i’d probably be in the corner rocking in the fetal position by now.
The couple of hours notice for the lockdown is totally shit but a perfect example of another way the selfish special people have fucked it for you, when given a reasonable warning they use the time to pack up & flee to wherever they think they can escape to. So the gov have said stuff it no warning time for the wankers to run again, and you and your family & friends who’ve done nothing wrong get punished because of it.

So many arm chair experts here :slight_smile:

16-39 year olds still aren’t eligible to get vaccinated as part of the general vaccine program without signing waivers.

Even if you got vaccinated with AZ early, the second dose takes 3 months. Seeing that the waiver program only start roughly a month ago, there’s still a couple months before you would be considered fully immunised.

Lockdowns are shit, and I really feel for your daughter missing the school events, but it’s unfortunately the reality that we live in. We wouldn’t be in this situation if the vaccine rollout wasn’t fucked beyond all belief.

Luckily we have you to guide us & set us straight :slightly_smiling_face:

Far from it, mate, lockdown #6 with 2 kids doing remote schooling… I have no answers.

I am not opposed to a lockdown that is guided by good stats and is well planned but these last two were done in haste and there were really not the numbers to justify the extent. My daughter is like any kid and gets over those things quick. But the missing school is a bigger issue.
Another funny thing was that last Thursday her bus driver said he expected another lockdown due to some cases in Shepp. There was no news of it that day or Friday then Saturday it gets announced. How does a rural school bus driver have the info 3 days before the Gov? If we really knew the truth The buggers would have more protests and we would throw them out.

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Oh I am by far a racist, I hate everyone equally lol but I am against the BLM crap as their lives are no more important than yours or mine, I am for all lives matter, except for feral animals :innocent:


Oooof, big Greens propaganda channel.

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I don’t think anyone has any answers mate, that’s why all we’ve got left is to whinge & vent online, and hate on the idiots who make it worse so we don’t blow a fuse lol.

Awesome! Maybe they could use the rubber bullets at climate change, and other Melbourne protests