The big fat COVID-19 thread.

Seems it’s the newest political currency of who can be “toughest” on covid.
Fuck it. It’s funking ruining my business and my marriage and we aren’t even in lockdown. The division of opinion and parochial isolationist attitudes mean that even if situations ease interstate, there will be pressure locally to keep border closed. Considering most hospitality & tourism businesses rely on 3x the Tas population visiting from interstate…

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Not if he ever comes across a destroyed business owner in a dark alley he won’t. :rofl:

I reckon old Jim from Jims Mowing would be happy to slip the remains in a woodchipper for them too :wink:

Of all the parts of Australia I haven’t been able to visit since the shutdown I miss Tassie the most.

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I miss Western Australia

I miss Darwin

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I actually don’t miss WA

Shit, you nearly had me there😂

I miss my kids :disappointed:


I miss the option to visit civilisation without having to quarantine for two weeks…

So it would appear that sucking a stranger’s dick in a car (a confined space) is a COVID safe activity, but playgrounds are not…

Victoria’s Health Minister Martin Foley said there was no evidence of her receiving the virus through her line of work.

This is beyond a joke!

We don’t get much east coast news and this isn’t the kinda story I want in my google history :joy: are hooke rs spreading covid in Vic?

Well there are quite a few mystery cases in the hot spot of St Kilda draw your own conclusions.


How? It’s a pretty big target…


Spot on! No self important entitlists, spawned from enablers…

@Gwion, Mate, I’d love to come down and visit, and put a few sheckles into your business.
It looks like there won’t be any more overseas travel for me and now with all of these fucktard premiers and their ass-licking sheeple constituents calling for and implementing “vaccine passports” before allowing entry into “their” states, ( apparently the Australian Constitution doesn’t apply any more here ), travel in my own country is going to be canned as well.
These fuckwits still have it in their heads that they can eradicate this thing, it’s here to stay. Their “vaccines” are not worth the money the government is spending on them. They are a buffer at best, they don’t stop you becoming infected or transmitting it. They “may” reduce the severity of infection, not a single one of them has any guarantee of effectiveness, do some research.
Now the U.S authorities have recommended that people get a third shot. When that proves to be ineffective what then, one a month? I have friends and relatives that have contracted Covid -19, ranging in age from 20 to 80, none of them were vaccinated and they all pulled through, just like the other 99.6% of people who get it.
Yes it is a terrible disease, and yes, I don’t want anyone I know to die from it, but then, I don’t want them to die from a heart attack, stoke, fucking cancer or a car accident either. All of those things are far more likely to take someone from you.
Rant far from over…


Yup. Got a chef wants to start work but isn’t allowed in the state because he’s NSW…

Lord Howe… middle of the funking Pacific Ocean with zero exposure to covid but still NSW.

Then, if we can get him here and no one can travel from interstate we won’t be able to pay him what he’s worth send what we are offering…

Can’t believe no one with right qualified & experience has applied from Tas!

Anyhow. They need to just open shit up! Once everyone who WANTS to get vaccinated has had the chance to and make those who DONT WANT sign off that they refuse… just get on with funking life!


Yep, I’m with you on that brother.

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This is certainly an escalation, wow.

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