The big fat COVID-19 thread.

Pretty good if you bring enough beer

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Earlly on in this thread we joked about having to show your papers when travelling. Funny thing is that is now a reality with workers needing to have a Permitted Worker permit filled out by their employer. this is a document / template that you have to download from the website fill out and have signed by the boss and yourself. People are going to be stopped on thier way to work and asked for thier permit or be fined for being away from home.

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Yep, got mine today.
Polish guy at work was saying that its worse than Poland under the communists. Then I took him to Costco.

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Also had to fill out my permit form today.

I complied as a condition of my employment. Had to designate my name, address, my role at the company. The hours of my shift. Company address as well as two company representatives.

Internally I was seething and disgusted.
The long term implications of this fill me with dread. I’m constantly told to shut up and comply by the media. I keep telling my self “this is no big deal, it will all be over soon” but damn if it doesn’t keep getting worse.
I’m no tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist, but this latest move does not sit well with me at all.


Yep, the veneer of society is thin, whether it be the obedience of laws and norms by either the people or the government.
Expediency, survival and pragmatism rules in the end.

“First, they came for the people without Costco memberships, but I said nothing because I had a membership card…”


They seem to have gotten the restrictions lifted in Beirut.


My point to him was that there was still plenty of food etc available (which wasn’t under martial law in Poland).
On the other hand Coles, Woolies and Aldi all had empty meat sections while Costco had plenty…Membership is cheap, if you have one nearby I recommend them.

Bugger, they were doing so well for over 100 days. I hope our “Free” states do better, or are luckier.
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If we do it will only be blind luck.

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I was reminded of Chappelle’s Show today when VicPol were videod strangling some sheila for the serious crime of dishonoring Dear Leaders orders.

“Sorry? Oh your sorry?? Is Dan Andrews gonna have to choke a bitch?”

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I watched that video, tbh I think she was out to cause a commotion, with her friend filming. I am not sure if I was watching edited footage, but the point of escalation was missing, wonder why her friend didn’t film that? Could it be that she was a prick and started it? And the cop was uber gentle too. Could have let her fall. Then could have manhandled her and roll her over to cuff her… He was restrained AF and would have been completely justified after that crazy tried to kick the other cop in the face. Naaah, not buying her bullshit at all.

She may have had the right idea, the execution however - not good.

I had a supplier start yelling at me today, " You can Fuck right off ANDREWS" then start laughing. I was wearing a black mask and Black North Face Top. Victorias Mao Suit.

All in jest of course.


Yes, the old context. Gotta love media.

Im still taking the free kick though :slight_smile:

Gotta love that dumb bitch on the news refusing to wear a mask…puts the finger in the face of one cop and kicks the other in the groin…and is still asking why am I being arrested!!! Typical leftist oxygen thief, by the looks

Just one question ‘‘Why would a cop just all of a sudden choke a person down for no reason’’ especially this day and age and being told she had a pass, Nah something went on prior to the filming, normal person wouldn’t lash out at police like she did if they weren’t chasing attention, probably find she may have something to do with some group trying to show ''Police Brutality ''or she’s just a bitch looking for a target in front of her friends and it backfired.

@grandadbushy, something like that, no doubt!

Still, choking is not how you arrest a someone a foot shorter than you. And, like…a girl. Don’t get me a wrong, I watched the whole George Floyd video when it finally was released after all that crazy stuff went down so I see what you mean.

I reckon choking is exactly how you arrest someone when they’re behaving like a violent fucktard, whether they’re ten foot tall, two foot tall, man, woman, or beast.
Considering her actions he was VERY gentle imo.

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Surely the tazer is the correct technique here. Its Covid safe.