The big fat COVID-19 thread.

That sucks. Hopefully the dealer doesn’t charge you storage fees or whatever for the gun.

Mate, shall we expect you in Victoria soon, than?

@Tempestman He is pretty good and won’t charge anything. I have sent his kids to school so he will cut me a break lol.

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If things don’t pick up shortly I might be moving into you garage…

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I made you a bed. You’re welcome.

Bonus points to anyone who gets this reference :slight_smile:

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I get it lol. Cuddle toys to help me sleep. Very thoughtful


A post was merged into an existing topic: Legal Action for Gun Shop Closures

Lucky they closed the gun shops when they did otherwise the problem would have been worse if we had access to weapons and ammunition.

Wow, Mum is being told to get the Flu jab or find another job. She’s 65yo, been wiping old folks asses for 35 years.
On top of that, Premier Daniels has issued “a directive” that not only all staff, but all contractors, volunteers aand visitors also need to get the flu jab. Pretty *$&!@ if you ask me, considering its efficiency is about 50/50. But what kind of shitty slippery slope does this push us down? Get jabbed or go away? Jab the old farts, they’re almost dead anyway!

I would be looking at her workplace agreement and if it’s not in there then tell them to get stuffed.
If they sack her take them for unfair dismal and sue their arse off.

HEY!!! JF cut that ‘‘OLD FART’’ stuff out :rofl: :rofl: but seriously where I worked a few years back supplied the flu jab for free so I decided i’d get it although I very rarely got the flu but work wanted everyone to get it I was 55 at the time and I can tell you I was so sick I missed 2weeks work straight up then often being sent home at times by the bosses and not only me others as well. I coughed and farted and spluttered for nearly 18 mths until finally it stopped i had never been so sick with the flu , So I have never had a flu jab since and don’t intend to and i’m nearing 66


Vaccines for these type of things, technically speaking don’t prevent anything, they reduce the symptoms - like, I am going to die, to oooo, I didn’t die. For example, Chicken Pox. It’s not exact science and fact that most of us had it as kids does not necessarily mean that we are not going to get it as adults. The vaccines is the same, especially for adult onset (which can be fatal). It does not mean you are immune, instead, it gives you a boost to fight the illness a lot better with a lot less symptoms. However, it does not mean, you are completely immune (some are, some are not).

@grandadbushy, I suspect that it may not have been the vaccine that got you sick… Personally, I have never got a flu vaccine, no reason, just never got around to it. Not to be confused with anti-vaxers, my kids are all vaccinated, thank you very much and I strongly encourage all anti-vaxers to speed and avoid wearing seatbelts! The 50/50 is also not exactly correct, @JizzFlinger. The strains mutate, so it’s less than 50/50 in terms of - yay, I am invincible, but if you were to get flu - proper flu, like Influenza, the symptoms would be a lot milder. That is, you’d still know you had it - very much so, but you’d probably survive.

AHH yes JS don’t get me wrong my kids also were all vaxed up for all the ones kids were supposed to get we aren’t anti vax just that I wouldn’t bother getting another flu needle for myself, maybe silly but Christ I got sick and ya know I haven’t had the flu since , ‘‘Jesus I may have just jinxed myself’’ :grin:

Its pretty much mandatory now with kids not being allowed to goto school if they are not vaxxed. My wife and I got vaxed about a month ago and tend to get it done most years.

The worst sickness I have had was Typhoid apparently you can get a vax for some stains of this I did get vaxed a couple of years later and got it again, but the second time it was much less sever. The first one took a long time to get hold and I fought it naturally for ages but then it nearly killed me.

This is from my sister who works with crazies. Mum got the same but addressed to aged care.

P.s. he lives.

My wife is an aged care nurse and she got the same thing, she’s getting the jab today.
She gets it every year so she’s not fussed, I haven’t had it in 10 years and don’t plan on

They are saying on the news this morning that over 1,000,000 people downloaded the tracking app in the first 4 hours of it being released.

From all accounts it looks rather vanilla.

I hear they have released the code to anyone that would like to check it out. I am no technical whizz however Given they are doing that, I suggest it would prob indicate they have nothing to hide.

Fuck the code, I don’t trust them to secure data.

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