The big fat COVID-19 thread.

Try living in Tas… not just slow connections… :joy::mask::+1:

Better hope that the missus doesn’t go on strike or you are shit out of luck.
Now you know how I felt when I had none.

I didn’t know communists had feelings.

Are you on the NBN? Complain to Telstra you want a smart modem - they’ve been rolling them out.

They’ve got a 4G backup in them. Should get you at least 8/2 mb.

Someone that shall remain nameless on this forum had a bit of a laugh at me when I jokingly meantime that we may have to carry papers and be stopped in the street and asked for our papers.
How quickly thing change just a week later police are stopping people on the Highways and companies and Gov departments are issuing papers to present when stopped.

I wonder what the state of the Nation would have looked like now if we hadnt imposed restrictions like we have seen. Certainly the 50 deaths in a month will not be a blip on the yearly statistics. They say there are that many women killed in DV cases around the country in a similar time frame. Cases of the normal Flu A+B are well down due to the distancing. Hindsight on this will be very interesting.

I really hope they remove all the big brother impositions that have been put in place. Not the way I like to live the Nanny country was already bad enough.

I still laugh… Only now, it’s a tragic laughter.

I was being a bit tongue in cheek when I made the comment a bit sarcastic ect. I really didnt expect it to eventuate or escalate as quickly as it has.
I hope that they can relax the internal border and com unity travel quickly. I can see international travel being out for the duration until treatments are available.

I got an email from the school today. Despite Mr Andrews saying that schools will reopen. The email clearly said that School was not a respite service and will only be available for children where both parents are essential services. School holidays have been stressful enough I dont think I am cut out for home schooling. I do my 45 min at the end of a normal school day when the kids are tiered from a long day. but to take on a teacher role and trying to provide a play environment as well. OMG

Yeah, it all escalated rather quick.

Same here, with schooling. And kinder. This is going to be fun, @sungazer. Potentially, will need to bugout, mostly from kids, not the virus, LOL

It will certainly be interesting when this is all over. Tourism is screwed, hospitality is screwed, travel, I mean food and, well, that’s it, food industry will come out somewhat unscathed, that’s about it.

Scary, interesting times ahead. Really feel for all year 11 and 12 students this year.

There is no bugout. Travel is defacto prohibited.

I wish there was, my place in central vic is much much better setup than here in Melbourne, not by accident.

Maybe some of my essential work travel will leave me stranded there.

Definately going to make people rethink bug out locations and times to move.

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Could be worse I guess. My brother is stuck in Katherine NT. Police roadblocks all around.

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I just wonder now that the police have all this power due to the virus will they let it go when things get back to normal or as close to normal as possible or are they going to still be a force to reckon with . Just sitting back watching and listening it seems that this power has gone to a lot of their heads

I Victoria at least the new police powers and linked to the state of emergency, which has a sunset date (that I can’t remember off the top of my head) once the state of emergency is lifted all should go back to normal.
That being said the use of Australian armed forces to support the cops in enforcing lockdown / quarantine is unconstitutional but is still being done, so really anything could come out of this. The Soviet socialist republic of western Australia seems to be using this to implement further permanent big brother measures like this facial recognition bullshit, but then we expect that sort of shit out of those scumbag!


My bugout is 6hrs N.W of Sydney, I can get round the travel ban on a number of grounds. Visiting rental property, Essential work, Compassionate grounds, Moving house, Escaping domestic violence so 1 of these should cover me. Also, I don’t need to have contact with any people for the full trip as I carry enough fuel, ammo, food & water with me :slight_smile:

How does ammo relate to any of this, lmao.

Ammo = Food and therefore essential :slight_smile:


“Ms Neville said Chief Health Officer Dr Brett Sutton had not recommended road blocks for the Easter long weekend, like Senator Sarah Henderson has called for.”

that bitch is gearing up to be the head of the SS, ay. Papers, now roadblocks. Yeah, didn’t see that coming. Fucking greens, they do love their totalitarian controls, ay.

Here is a comment from another ex ADF person I know. I think this “show of force” isn’t really warranted considering the SES are also helping on road blocks so they don’t need our military resources.

“What govt has ever taken something away and given back in total. The McGowan regime is drunk on power and abusing their democratically appointed position. He is bordering on Marshall Law - why man check points with ADF personnel? Certainly not to ease the burden on Police. The check points I have physically been too had a plethora of Police numbers in attendance. The reason for ADF presence? Intimidation. A show of Force - a display of the supreme leaders power. It’s a joke. They urge the public to exercise common sense but enforce severe penalties when they do.”