The big fat COVID-19 thread.

Personally I would stay away from all filters they are places were germs can grow Large surface areas with good oxygen levels. Just settling rainwater in my tanks that I have used for the house for 25 years produce absolute clear water that will last in a bottle for weeks on end without any signs of floaties or yuck.

If you use a still just fill it to about 80% so bubbles dont rise up the column and distill until it is at about 40% full and discard the 40%. Most likely that 40% would be safe to drink as it would have boiled for hours but it will contain any silt.

Don’t forget to put a UV filter inline to kill any bugs.

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Dam water would block filters pretty quickly with the clay suspended in it. Most farmers I know won’t use it for gardens as it will block up the pores in the plant. Could be an old wives tail but made sense to me. I would distill the water.

Wheres hunting on that list ? I thought that was banned too.

And yet people are still gathering in public. Just as well we can fine someone for camping in solitude.

Funny thing is I had a mate invite me to visit and reduce the rabbit and fox population, maybe do some fishing at his 9 hole golf course. Of course I’d have to camp to keep social distancing.
100% True, not far from Bentaz.


A million swear words. Andrews can just #&$*$(#:

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I’ve just ordered a new shirt! :rofl:


@Wombat If i was you the car would be packed and i’d be somewhere between home, Dan Murphys, and the mates place. You’re now an “essential worker” as a pest controller :wink:

I’m tempted. Sadly I have work things that have to be done this weekend and next week.


Just got this text message.

Yep, same here.

I got it up here in Qld too, which didn’t make much sense, until it occurred to me that i’ve got a Vic hunting licence.

Just got word from SSAA that the Darwin shooting range is closed to everyone except NT Police and permitted armourers and dealers.
I was there yesterday, and about all of six people had signed in for the day.

Lucky I don’t need to leave home to hunt or fish… just need motivation to go out at the right time of day. Weather has been pretty shyte of late.


I just got the AIDS I mean covid test, I doubt I’ve got it but I’ve been getting sicker and with the wife being a nurse in an old folks home it’s better to be safe than sorry.


Eeeeww @bentaz got the cooties…

I hope for you and your families sake that it comes back negative. Dont worry about those old farts the Demographic most at risk from dying of old age is those above 80.

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