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All these are valid points that I argued with against getting chickens. Not to mention we can’t leave them alone for more than a few days so holidays are a PITA.
Then we compromised
So we got chickens and now I’m building a house for them.

Perfect compromise! :rofl:


That’s how they compromise, they get their way and we don’t have to hear about it anymore. :rofl:

It’s looking good, really like the design. You won’t have to worry about foxes or dogs getting in if you are covering it with security screen. Awesome job on the she shed btw looks great mate. :beers: :+1:t6:


Top cut out and ready to paint. Just need to add a few vents. Getting there.

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Bloody awesome mate, lucky chickens you have mate, well at least until they stop laying and you chop their heads off and eat them. :slight_smile:

Well, I made this today :slight_smile:


@juststarting Those sexy silky soft IT hands of yours can cook at my camp anytime, just look at that smoke line :open_mouth:, droooool… :sunglasses: :+1:t6: :heart_eyes: :kissing_heart: now im bloody hungry :beers: btw… what’s ya secret to get such a deep smoke line mate ?.. :sunglasses:

Brisket and burnt ends. And some other green shit that wife insisted on.

@darwindingo a smoker generally does that and not fucking around. Right temperature, trust the process, don’t peek until checking is required.

Now I need one, how long you smoke that ?

This specifically, from 10am to roughly 8pm.

Wow, I get a little smoke ring in my coal fired kettle bbq, but nothing like that… What smoker you recommend ? + a pic of yours if you wouldn’t mind mate. Perhaps I could make one like it :beers:

My smoker, I shit you not, died (again) an honourable death today. I’ve fixed it a few times, but today was it. We’ve been together for 7 years and now it’s time for to go on the curb to smoker heaven. Will be replacing it this week.

I used/use a pallet smoker, any will do, cheapest will do. I just like the fact that I have a thermostat so I don’t have to monitor the heat (much). It’s about cooking space more so than the smoker. However, what most people don’t realise is that the kettle BBQ is in fact a fantastic smoker. Just need to use it as one. Check out BBQ Put Boys on YouTube and google “offset cooking”. That’s all you need, don’t need a new smokers.

A friend of mine who I consider a lot better than me at this uses Ugly Drum Smoker (UDS, google it), it’s a DIY project and he made it himself. No need for new tools, just need to understand existing tools :slight_smile:

My who’re of a sister would be all over that.

Thanks, I’ll check that stuff out mate. :beers:
Btw… I’m sorry for your loss… Remember the good times bro… :beers:

Nah, she’s dead to me! Out with the old, in with the new!

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Sheesh, that’s harsh and I was trying to be all sensitive about your loss and stuff…lol

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I’ve got one of those sisters…

She sounds lovely :rofl:

She is.

Here is my gun room ( that my wife is making for me ) so far.
She still has a few more to go but she has started another project and will do the others every now and then. Everything is to scale.