Thought I’d share this, since it’s very easy to get complacent with reloading, when you find your rythm.
I was recycling old Carcano bullets…
Using Trail Boss. Trail Boss is essentially a ‘plinking’ powder, low power, low recoil, usually used in Cowboy shooting or making subsonic ammo. For example, loading 308 with a max charge of Trail Boss, makes it feel like it’s a 223 at the very most. Shooting max charge 303 from No.5Mk1, can almost be done without ears and no recoil. Of course, you are paying for it with power/velocity, but for plinking it’s an ideal powder. Very large granules, making it virtually impossible to double charge.
Trail Boss behaves as expected when not compressed. When it’s compressed, then all bets are off and we definitely don’t want to do that.
One safety check with Trail Boss, at least what I do, is a shake test. If I can hear the powder rattle in the case, I am good. Worst case scenario, not enough powder it will still make it out of the bore. Overcharging to dangerous pressure levels is impossible, since it would just fall out of the case.
So, as I loaded all these rounds, by hand, it would have been easy to just pack them away. As my pre-flight check so to speak, I do the shake test. And what do we know, 2 rounds are silent. I am thinking, no way, I didn’t feel compression and I charged them all by hand. Genuine confusion.
Pulled them apart - bloody empty. How did I miss two cases, no idea! However, good reminder to always double check your charge. In this case it would have ended up as squib, followed by blown apart barrel if the shooter didn’t pick up on it.