Prepping do you believe in it?

that video is gold, I almost spit out my cuppa!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Interesting news articles

Hey @Gwion,
Like “On the beach” my plan is to come stay with you. Stuff hording tonnes of rice.

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Better send smoke signals to warn me first or you might get some trouble from my special ops possums! :wink:

Isn’t that you? Lol

Funnily enough, the discussion of prepping comes up with the missus and I whenever we watch some sort of post apocalyptic film or TV show. When we first met she was moderately anti-gun. They were in the shed and I basically didn’t talk about guns with her very much. Watching these shows however , I often look over at her with a raised eyebrow. " Aren’t you glad we are not totally defenceless in a SHTF type situation babe?". The ability to defend ourselves in the unlikely scenario of a cataclysmic event has really brought her around on the subject of firearms. As far as prepping, beyond always having an adequate supply of ammunition, not really.
I do however, understand the motivation that drives preppers to do what they do. The relatively low gun ownership in Australia lets me believe I will have some leverage in acquiring supplies should I need them.

That’s what I said! Need ammo, rest can be raised from Fitzroy, bwahahahahha

That won’t work so well where I live, gun ownership is a lot higher out here.

Rainy Afternoon on the Boulevard so I went to the man cave and churned out 300 SS109’s for that apocalyptic rainy day. No measuring each charge weight with these, they got the Lee factory crimp die because I had one and never used it before :grinning:

What’s SS109?

Its a 223 projectile 62 gr with a steel core in the front section. An old military projectile. There has been a bit of chatter about them lately as they are available from Cleavers for $129 /1000.

So they’re Semi-Armour piercing then? should work good on zombies and at that price who cares if you need to double tap em!

Yeah thats about it there mild steel piercing. Not really good on flesh they tend to go straight through apparently. They were supposed to Yaw and tumble to create a wound channel rather than like a hunting round that will deform.
Perhaps load the magazine up with a Super Roo every alternate round. Then double tap them!