Interesting news articles

Oh dear, needs a little bit more PT and BJJ. Just awkward for everyone.

This wouldn’t have happened if guns were banned, you know. Bwahahahahha.

Should be fired on the spot. This is a cardinal sin, not that I believe in sins, bit if I did, this would be it. Him, his superior, everyone who is bloody responsible for him, fired!

Must have missed his 20 minutes of firearms retention training… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

We better ban axes too, is nobody thinking of the children?

…and scissors.

too soon?

whay happened with scissors?

@GUN-DMC :nerd_face: Preventative measures, would be my guess… Its possible that It could potentially protect those that choose to run with scissors from injuring themselves or others N stuff N things N stuff… :rofl:


What the actual WTF?! And yes, I’m and admin and I can say duck, duck, duck, duck, Godaddy , WTF! Seriously though, that’s according to VicPol media releases, second AK (or similar) in as many weeks.

And here I am like a schmuck, paying for PTAs. Everything is bad. Meh.

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Why can’t I say a swear word which is common in the English language and you can?

What’s good for goose is good for the gander.

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You can virtually say anything you like on AHN.

Word list relaxed, @Bogong. Schmucks for everyone :slight_smile:

I guess we are a more polite bunch then :slight_smile:

It’s a common word used by everyone in Australia.

…and now you too can drop it at will. Actually, it’s a common word, but a rude word. So really, using it is considered crude and impolite, two separate points on common and use. I’ve been known to educate sailors on proper use of terminology, so I suppose I can’t talk :slight_smile:

Women use it, men use it. It’s not even a swear word anymore. I hear it around here all the time. Police use it to get a point across. Everyone uses it. It’s not a swear word anymore.

Fair enough.

I tend to agree, I think c+×÷ is really the only swear word left. Maybe we should try to invent some new ones?

Odd, I thought the F & C words were “black listed”? What happened.

Guess I’m the gentleman of the forum.

The mods were afraid of the admin, Asleep at the wheel. Then it just got too much and action needed to be taken. :rofl:
Us mods are always getting into trouble for not doing the job properly.