That would be me. no works of art just ramblings of a man and his penis late at night.
There was even a hint for a mod to clean up the mess.
That would be me. no works of art just ramblings of a man and his penis late at night.
There was even a hint for a mod to clean up the mess.
WA is fucked for firearms
Thought i’d pop in and see how everyone was doing!
What the actual fffff. Where dos that come from? I’m sure dealer association would have something to say about arbitrary stuff like that.
They tried. Turns out if you’re dumb enough to give a political party a majority they turn tyrannical pretty quickly.
That last one a revolving rifle, Does that mean gattling gun or the pistol action revolver type?
Pistol action style, been prohibited for a long time those.
@ShootersUnion so should we all grab our quills and ink pots and start writing stern letters
I wonder if this is something you or SSAA or whomever lives in WA is fighting?
It gets even worse - pretty much every lever-action .22LR rifle, and a lot of the pump-actions, are banned under the Regulations too: New gun bans revealed as WA firearm regulations released - Sporting Shooter
Obviously we’re working out ways to fight this, but it’s an incredibly steep uphill battle not helped by a Government that openly hates gun owners and just refuses to listen to anyone who disagrees with them.
Err do you mean actual (westerns) levers?
Just read the article, that’s a bit out there.
I think my favourite part of the article is
"This whole thing continues to raise extremely serious Constitutional questions and genuinely harms the state of democracy in WA
People are too shallow to really understand this.
I may of said this before, but fuck that whole state!
@Gregfiddich youre still welcome at my place mate.
Yep. WA Govt have stopped even pretending at this point; there are countless people saying they contacted their MP and got told “We don’t care what you think, the laws are great”.
That’s not democracy, that’s a one-party dictatorship.
None of the things that exist to keep Government in check are working in WA - people have made complaints to various regulatory authorities and ombudsmen etc and just keep getting told “No issues here”, apparently it’s not possible to take legal action against the Police Minister, and it seems like lobbying the Government has actually made things worse for shooters in some respects.
I honestly think the Governor-General needs to be stepping in at this point.
It is a dictatorship at face value, even a police state, but on the other hand, that’s democratically elected majority government.
I don’t dispute the democratically elected part of it, but the fact remains there’s been no good faith consultation regarding the laws and absolutely no evidence has been presented regarding their necessity.
30,000 people signed a petition against the laws and got told to go fuck themselves - that’s not how democracy is supposed to work. I mean, the government didn’t even bother with pretending to consider the petitioner’s concerns.
I’m not saying the entire WA Government should be sacked (although I think some key people in it certainly should be dismissed), but it’s clear these laws have not gone through the proper democratic processes and should be set aside at a minimum, pending a full investigation and inquiry followed by a significant rewrite - with actual, proper involvement and consultation from the shooting community in WA as well as both state and national shooting representative groups.