High Capacity Mags Gone

Ok Sorry to revive this thread but I have been reading the Victorian 1996 Act as amended in Feb 2020 and the Regulations as of 2018 (updated link).

I cant find where it talks about magazine limits other than for shotguns and Lever Actions. Any help would be appreciated. Likewise if there is an exemption for Primary Producers. I could swear I have read this before it may have been in a previous version. Damn documents are a bitch to read.

Can’t help you there, but if you grab a pta form, I think you’ll find it.

Regarding exemption, I’d be willing to bet you’d get a lot of fuddology. Best bet, is to simply call the lrd.

Think I found it in Schedule 2 of the ACT. However it does state that if the License was obtained for Hunting or sport or target shooting the license is subject to the condition. I would argue if the license was obtained for Primary Production that the condition does not apply.

50 round mags are totally unacceptable, I believe if you need 50 rounds, then you should be running belt fed or drums which should be available. Sorry OG no need to duck for cover I just can’t support any restrictions other than licences and background checks which I only marginally support to massage the egos Of people to be.

Is this tounge in cheek or serious?

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Never mind. I reread lol

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I get there’s is mag limits, but I wish you could own the larger mag, and have it permanently altered to only have 15.

admin update
context: CZ 515 lever release 22s

Some background reading, for @Tempestman

I vaguely remember this thread, about how they weren’t importable anymore.

Would it be possible though to stick a shaped bit of plastic onto the end of the magazine though? As in literally glue something on the end for purely aesthetic purposes?

I am not sure how this is relevant?

Ah - I was referring to that picture from before - the one that Jizzflinger posted. I was just musing about how you could have that visual aesthetic, but still be legally compliant.

…to remind you what you can’t have? LOL

You would either need to get that magazine, technically not illegal to own. Then clip the spring and add a spacer.

Sometimes the tacticool just calls to you lmao.



Thats taking it a bit too far. Can you read what is on the bottom two sections. They look like they are some sort of extensions. I wonder what he uses for the spring?