Help with making ballistic gel

Today is what I suspect will have to be the penultimate test.
After being melted and set over and over since July, the jelly seems to be deteriorating.
If I add enough water to bring it back to the original volume it’s too delicate to handle without damaging it and if I let it dehydrate enough to prevent that, it becomes too brittle.
It has become impossible to carve out a block containing the wound cavity, as before, as the block splits down the line of the bullet passage.

I tested the Hornady 62gn TAP at 200m and man, do they penetrate.
Luckily, I put my polycarbonate plate behind it, because it went right through the block and hit the poly hard enough to flatten out one side of the pill.

I think I can get one more test before it becomes pointless so would like to poll anyone still interested as to which to make the last test.

Candidate 1; The SS109
Candidate 2; The B&T Energetics 40gn frangible

  • SS109 62gn penetrator
  • B&T 40gn frangible

0 voters

How about another Rexem to compare with the TAP

G’day SG

I did the REXEM at 200m.

See above :beers:

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I just received an email from James at REXEM, he has received a large supply of the 62gn F-Bombs and is flooded with backorders.

Anyone interested shouldn’t tarry.

Thanks to those who voted, but I fear we have reached the jelly’s end of life.
Despite a liberal amount of clove oil in the mix and a regular wipe down with mold killer, the slime monsters have evolved immunity to my attempts and recolonised the surface and turned the top several millimetres to a quasi-liquid with the appearance and consistency of snot.

I had quite a session on the turps last night and nearly puked on it as I tried to wipe it off.

Added to that, the clouds and rain have finally been cleared, by a ridiculously strong wind blowing at a steady 40kph and gusting to 65.
Not conducive to testing a 40gn pill at 200m.

RIP Jelly

You need to shoot it one final time with something big and see if you can blow it to pieces.

I have been trying to think if a spectacular way to send it to jebus.

I have one idea, I am a long way from anyone else but I’m pretty sure there would be police and consequences if I were to share it here.

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Having another idea on jelly disposition.

I get these when chemically enhanced.

My morbid schoolboy curiosity has me wondering just how things would progress, snotcritter evolution wise, if I just cover it up, leave it somewhere warm, and let them develop.

I can envision time lapse video possibilities of epically gross proportions :hugs:

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I would now be looking at how best to effectively destroy the Godzilla who is about to evolve from that slime!!!

Maybe make a ewe-choob video version of the movie and get rich :joy:


Do a remake of “The Blob”, you’ll be right up there with all of the Hollywood elite who can’t seem to come up with any original movie ideas of their own nowadays.

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Got an email from James at REXEM yesterday, the F-Bombs have arrived and are in stock.

You must be on his “mates” list. I’ve emailed him about 6.5mm stuff that he advertises, his reply was to back-order them through the website. Trouble is it won’t allow it.

I’ll ask him about it and get back to you

Yeah, no worries. I’m not stressing about it. I was just keen to try them out for silhouette, I’ve still got a few hundred Lapua’s that I mostly use left.

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I have the poster for the upcoming blockbuster, “Jelly, the movie.”

If only I could bottle the fragrant boquet and market it as a cologne for necrophiliacs and the profoundly disturbed.

I think I’d name it “Apres da Somme”

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Burn it before it escapes!!! :flushed:

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Film project, gone.

Ambitions of Hollywood fame and fortune, crushed.

The jelly, in a last fit of gelatinous indignation took its revenge on the invading snotmonsters.

It has totally deliquesced and drowned them in a flood of eeeewwwww.

I have donated the entire mess to the inhabitants of my septic tank for their tender ministrations.

Oh no no no… this the beginning of the end… run for your life & call in an air strike!!!

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Hey Team,
Where is @Gaznazdiak when I need him?
69 and 75’s are back and kicking goals, would love to get him to do more ballistic gel tests. Not sure how to get onto him. Drop me an email bud.