If I was rich I would have a ruger No. 1 in every calibre from .222 through to .500 nitro express.
I am a lot more simple, 375 H&H and 45-70
Me too, but Id start at 7mm and go up from there.
Buy a regular Ruger American 450 Bushmaster magazine and it runs FLAWLESSLY with 7.62x39 ammo regardless of seating depth.
Problem is, this only works with the early model Ranch which has the original magazine well which takes all the NON rotary short action mags.
If you buy a current model 7.62 ranch, it has the big modular mag well.
Even I could go for that!
Why is it so expensive? It doesn’t even come with a magazine or a cool chassis. Pfft.
Late night online window shopping is never a good idea lol.
Stock looks like it hasn’t been sporterised as well , but it looks like the open sights have been removed
Don’t know much about Swedish Mausers, but… It looks like it has been drilled for a scope mount. And I am not sure what’s going on with the muzzle, hard to tell, looks weird, maybe threaded. Sites will be hard to get and not cheap. Also no word if it’s matching. Rear of the butt seems to have a crack. That bolt handle doesn’t look right either, I think it may have been modified, doesn’t look right. They are like $500-$600+ guns, got to ask yourself why a gun shop is selling it for $350 with a scope.
I remember reading somewhere that some were threaded post war for blanks shredders. Probably not the case here though lol. I didn’t notice the crack in the stock.
The barrel does look kinda bright though - maybe the bluing has worn?
I haven’t actually managed to find one for the $500-600 mark. Most the non-sport good conditions ones I see online have been around the $700-800 mark, and at that point I would rather put it towards a new rifle that has some more utility rather than something a bit more collectible.
I saw this last week. Very tempted were it not for a total lack of space in my safe.
The threaded muzzles are legit. As you said, done to fit blank shredders. It is almost certainly not numbers matching as Swedish Armourers had no issue mixing in new parts where needed.
With it being tapped for the scope it has no value as a historical piece but I’d still get it as I buy guns to shoot them more than anything else. My M96 Swede is my favourite rifle and I’ll definitely find one of these one day to add to the collection.
We are all so proud of you.
I might check it out anyway - the shop isn’t too far from where I live.
Any cracks in the stock can be fixed with some wood glue right?
This is what happens when I have such a supportive environment.
Yes but it does depend where they are. In the butt of the stock, that should be fine. My M96 butt is a bit chipped up too so I suspect that Swedish soldiers used to use their rifle butts to smash to snow and ice off their boots.
If there are any cracks behind the action, they can be more of a problem as even if they are glued the force from firing can crack them open again. In that case you need to reinforce with pins which is still very possible but a much bigger task.
It’s no collector’s item, but you’ll have just as much fun shooting it as if it was, at that price and condition you won’t have to fuss over it or stress if you scratch it.
Buy it, shoot it, love it and later on if you want buy a nicer example.
Bolt has been turned down and reforged or beaten square or replaced altogether.
Blueing looks to have been removed on purpose.
Sights gone, cost prohibitive to replace and attach correctly.
Threaded barrel is correct for M38 . Not all were done, but many were. Wooden bullet shredder is correct.
Mauser action not suitable for clip on mounts. Almost certainly tapped and threaded.
Apparent crack could easily just be a gouge. Pretty common in that area when setting a rifle down or in a safe.
Almost worth it for a full wood stock alone.
A guy who wore rings carried it… A lot, meaning it’s probably a decent shooter.
Most swede Mausers shoot very well.
Swedes used excessively good quality steel so there is a fair chance it’s not rooted.
Not cost effective to restore.
Worth it as a source of parts or a shooter.
I thought M38s had turned down bolts from the factory?
That one has been bent full 90’ like a Mosin sniper.
Standard is around 45’