Funny gun ads, for the lolz

And it continues. WTF?
Maybe its time to retire?


Srupid as a Stupid does, some poor sap, who needs to put the bong down…or maybe pick it up! Do they really think they will sell?? At those prices i have about $10k in the cupboard

Remember there were $2500 Adlers for sale…


Yep, and what a piece of shit they are!

The scary thing might be ADI realising just how much some dipshits will pay for pistol powder…


Although it’d be funny for these guys trying to cash in…sell there stuff but then pay twice as much down the track to replace it :rofl:…Oh the irony.

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I was thinking exactly that.

Really? I call bullshit…

I reckon same guy trying to drive the prices up himself.


How much do you guys think I could get for half a tub of AP50?

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Considering it’s had extensive custom work done i’d say at least $3000


These people have been smoking the same shit as the lee enfield sellers! 5 yrs ago this was a $200 shotgun.

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Only I’d probably be stupid enough to buy it because it looks cool… like I did with that old 410! :nerd_face::laughing::sob:

Oh cool, 3/4 of a Lee Enfield for only $2800.

Must be made out of pistol powder or something :thinking:


Super tacticool sniper spy John Wick edition.


Bargain :astonished:

Available at Cleavers for $1665. WTF

On cleavers website doesn’t mean available. The 7600 has been difficult to get for a while which encourages the crazy prices but I also think it is just driven from usedguns prices. If you search for a 7600 on there you see they started around a grand a couple of years ago and now have ended up at 3K.

True But when I bought my 7615 I went into my LGS and used the cleavers price as a negotiation bench mark. Even back then the were selling for more than the new price. Mind you if there is a lot of magpul stuff on them that can add up quickly or a Lucky13 chassis.