Funny gun ads, for the lolz

@Tempestman, I…

Maybe you are…

The only good thing is that it was made this way, nothing of value was harmed in its creation.

A nice Pepperbox in… wait for it!
.32 automatic centrefire pistol. :+1:

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Nice cheap, Cat B AR15 if anyone’s interested!

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How is a bolt action considered a AR? What is the definition of an AR. I thought one aspect is that it had to be at least semi Auto.

I have a converted Unicorn for sale. VERY rare $10,000,000

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I’ll give ya 5k only coz of the scar left where it’s horn was.

Slightly unprofessional



SOLD, to the f̶o̶o̶l̶ gentleman in the third row…Congratulations sir a fantastic buy on your behalf. :grin:

Can’t wait to see it poop rainbows.

I will call it charleeee :rofl:

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Soviet indoor range gun…

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’ usually chambered in 7.62mm ’ ? Huh? That’s like a 308 revolver! That barrel is no way long enough for a 7.62 lol

It’s a .30 cal pistol round mate.

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Well what’d ya know!

It’s a funky pew

The new fedral super carry is another funky pistol cartridge.

Thats super American centric

I dunno I find it funny.

Some are comparing it to the 30 tokarev.

And yeah, who’s going to just buy some random hands loads off the net. Clearly someone.

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Yolo lol

Hey man, I got these 416 ruger handloads. Nah, they’re totally in spec. Yeah, CUP and SAMMY inspected. Totes safe. Okay I only accept cash. See you soon. Bye.