Fox Hunting Stories & Tips Thread

@juststarting can i borrow that 45,70. Might need it for that fox pup in a few weeks. :sunglasses:


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Ill just have to use my 130/243/30-06 Super Magnum then.

Bigpete’s still got his 458 winmag for sale

Not sure my shoulder would take that. Got heaps more power than a wishy washy 45-70. :cowboy_hat_face:

Say, have you gentleman ever seen an albino fox? Or, how many have you seen over how many years? My Dad was telling me a story about one he saw in his home town of Clunes VIC and missed it back in the 60s.

Saw a all grey one once. Must be 40 yrs ago

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My brother said he saw one about 35-40 years ago near Strangways. Only 30 odd klm away from Clunes in a straight line. At the time we all said it must have been a large domestic cat or dog.

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Rare as rocking horse sheet

May not be Albinos -
apparently occurs in Red Foxes.

I used a slightly more conventional calibre for this one…


The local fauna thank you

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Had a play with my cousins new Dickinson stp on Saturday. 2 minutes and this guy came up to about 10 metres away with the silva . The eley AAA sorted him out pretty well . And the gun was surprisingly smooth i thought


Very very nice and Im very very happy for you! The furtherest north Ive ever seen a fox is just south of Marla Bore and he looked really out of place the poor bugger. Ive seen bunnies as far north as Alice Springs.
Good shot!!!

Thanks bud. Makes 26 so far for this year. 14 off this one 60 acre property. Surrounding properties are plastered with land for wildlife signs. So its a bit of a honey hole

Just waiting for it to get dark and then going for another night walk. Sheep have lambed so should get a few foxes that are hanging around.


Healthy breeding pair. I thought i heard a duck being eaten but could have been these two fucking around.


I failed and the fox won. Yesterday afternoon I was inside as it was a shitty day and cold as. Just as I walked by the front window I saw a flash of fox run to the middle of my front yard and grab a chicken and make off in great haste. I gave chase as fast as I could but fences slowed me down. No gun in hand no time for that. We my wife has rescued chickens from the foxes mouth literally before, so I knew it was possible but time was important. I chased him across the neighbors property and down to a creek in the next property where I thought he may take refuge sure enough I caught a quick glimpse of him again still carrying my chicken. Unfortunately from there he disappeared into thin air. I didnt find any feathers so she hadnt been ripped apart yet but was probably dead after a few bites in the neck. Fox 1, me none.

Not sure of a good plan to try and even the score. probably not hungry for a few days.

Yeah, look, I am not an expert and a so so hunter, but I suspect that you may have gone wrong at the part where you said you tried to catch it by running. Not 100%, but I suspect that could be an issue that needs to be troubleshot so to speak.

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