Buying my first Black Powder muzzle loader.

I actually bought another one from the same guy, a Dikar 50 cal. Should get here in a few days. $285 delivered :slight_smile:

1 Like is a pretty cool site for all kinds of patches, lubes, flasks, you name it. Im trying to pick a powder flask. Any tips?
Also, just seen Bentaz bowling over bunnies with his BP shotgun. Mmm 12g muzzle loader!!

Has he got a 12g muzzleloader ?

Na it’s a .64 musket, loaded with bb’s

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Oh wow.

I’m taking mine out now for a crack at a couple of bunnys

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First blood!


You’re a pruned thread!

Oh,so you finally did actually use it mate! About time

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Yeah mate, I finally fired it in anger.

Two bunnys and a hare are now in the air fryer, yummo!


Air fryer, hare fryer. Come on man. Still, I can’t think of anything more satisfying that what you just did, its perfect. Does this platform have reddit gold? How do I send it??

Good work Bentaz!

Cheers mate, yeah not much beats shooting your dinner, doesn’t get any fresher that’s for sure.
I don’t know what a Reddit gold is mate?

Reddit gold is how you make money from idiots. ( its a thing in Reddit where you can award a post with a symbol which costs the awarder real money and gives the awardee ad free access and warm feelings)

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Good feeling isn’t it mate ? Taking food with old guns

Hells yeah

You send me the cash and press the heart button.


I dont remember you buying that. Well done.
I was going to go out last night myself but BOM got it wrong again.


@Oldbloke I bought that one off my dad at the same time you bought the .50 off of him.
I also have his, what looks to have never been fired .58 Remington zuave (Italian knock off anyway), but I haven’t got around to casting for that yet.
I’m going into town this morning to hit up lincraft/ spotlight for some material to make patches out of, mostly coz I wanna hunt more with the .64, but it’ll also get me closer to shooting the .58.

Ooooh, so you have gone over to the “dark side”. Lol.

You must let me fondle those one day.

Th e y are good fun.

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