Bored shit-posting

And some oil

Elephant leather. Be very difficult to get a hold of I imagine. Even old stuff.

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Yep. I would definitely imagine that’s the case.

There’ll be no, “I’ll just knock out a quick sheath” from this stuff! :astonished:

Seller “viceroy books” on Ebay sells a lot of BP gear, including some repro leather gear.

It’s a bit quiet on here today, what’s everyone up to?

I’ve been in for a COVAIDS test this morning for whats most likely only man-flu, but with the wife being a nurse at an old folks home I have to be careful.
Now I’m tidying up my study (big job) so I can live there till I get my results.

And by “tidying up my study” I mean sitting on my arse looking at the forum…:rofl::mask::rofl:


Been out and about stocking up on masks to appease the powers above. Now just catching up on some work. :confused:

Marking Year 12s SACs/planning and doing jobs around the house, both things that feel infinite.

About to head to the supermarket with a mask on and see badly I get judged.

I reckon mask wearing has at least tripled in ballarat over the last few days.
I have a Bin Laden bandana that my brother got me from Brunei, I think I’ll start wearing that wild west train robber style, lol.


Sitting here counting down the days until I head home, whilst simultaneously planning my next pig hunting trip in Aug, and pondering if I need that 45/70 still. Time on your hands can be expensive.:joy:

You need 45-70.


You need a 45-70

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Forming 25-303 brass, and sizing FL sizing a heap of 303 brass that I was given. Also looking for a tap for tapping an Omark action…with no luck! Anyone remember what the OEM thread is in the top rear of the 44 action?

Just finished cleaning 3 guns, prior to that made a mold for ingots as well as a melting pot etc.
All set for casting practice next weekend when I get back from Perth with the rest of the goodies.

Went to the range yesterday for a shoot after a bit of time of due to lack of motivation. There not being any competitions and even the local Pennant competitions having been canceled. Also I either need to modify my load or install a new barrel which I think would be a little on the not enough use side as yet.

Right, it’s settled then. :+1:t2::beer::beer:


Understood and agree.:+1:t2::beer:

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Be careful @1Fatman you could get addicted…


From todays meetings…

A problem - it’s not working - not scary, we can solve the problem.
A SCARY problem - it is now working, but we don’t know why!

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Got to love it