Bored shit-posting

Money shot.

Ha, my second 12g was a winchester single
Prob 37. Sold it to by win pump action. Which an arsole decided to destroy when he went through a stop sign.

Dont worry about MSG its all over hyped. Asia lives on the stuff. We seem to go through a huge amount dont know if its on my food just see it in the shopping trolley.

Fark the jerky. I want the coopers. Mmmmmm stout.

Actually had a couple of home brewed coffee stouts today. One of my better ones

$61 on special at bws. Thats cheaper than I can biy it for wholesale. Go capitalism!

Ahh good on you. My 3D printer friend is a keen brewer. He scored a second overall at Melbourne beerfest one year with his russian style stout. I havent brewed in 15 years or so, and its all gone hyper futuristic. Dunno if I could catch up.

Was that $61 a doz?.

Brewing is as simple or complex as you want

I like the KISS system.

If you use Soy Sauce, you’ll go through loads of it.

It’s literally a glucose molecule where a hydrogen ion is replaced with a sodium ion from salt. If you can handle salt and sugar, you’ll most certainly be fine with MSG.

61 a carton

Edit: sorry I was talking about the stout.

Im a victim of “MSG bad”. Tell me more.

Looked up my old chem textbooks.

I got it slightly wrong. It’s not glucose sugar, but gluten protein, more specifically Glutamic Acid (Amino Acid). It’s found in a lot of foods now though, even naturally occurring in stuff like tomatoes and grapes.

It’s probably bad for you in the same way that too much salt is bad for you, but I don’t think there’s any research that suggests some of the symptoms that people claim are actually caused by MSG.

G’day Jizzflinger I make jerky up here for the pubs it goes well thinking of going full on with it if you pm me an address only if you wish i’ll send a couple of packets to you I make chilli and plain

I can testify to how good it is too.

AHHH gee you’re embarrassing me bentaz :blush:

Yes I think there’s a couple on here that has tried it no bad reports yet touch wood

@anon19591382 maybe post in buy and sell? I mean I know it’s not firearms related, but I heard the admin is an awesome guy, so should be fine. :slight_smile: Can I buy some?

I’ll send you a couple of bags and see if you like it and we’ll go from there ( need postal address)

Just out of interest How much weight (The Meat) do you loose in the process?
Family have done some in the past and the jerky was only around 40% of the meat weight.

Yes just over one third when dried properly depends on the requirements of each food regulation of each state if properly done it keeps longer

I find it doesn’t last very long at all.
Last batch was consumed that weekend.