Bored shit-posting

Bloody Border Force, stop the good things but still let the West Aussies in lol.

Yeah the country is flooded with drugs, illegal handguns and westralians, but can I have some muscles? Nope!

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Dare I ask,… how you know what a billy goats ball sack tastes like???:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Having had a pet Billy goat for many years, you could taste his ball sack (all of a Billy goat smells like a ball sack) on the breeze.
Stinkiest animals I’ve ever come across, you can smell them a mile off, and taste them from any closer. Lol!

Yeah mate, sorry, it just had to be asked.:laughing:

They have those jangley bits that hang from there neck or there abouts, are they there to generate the perfume?

The “perfume” is from them pissing on themselves. Apparently the nannies love it . ???

Not just piss, mine used to pleasure himself and finish in his beard, sorry that’s the most polite way i can think to put it. Lol

Ok never getting any goats esp male ones :grin:

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That’s why I never shot billies for meat, ( plus they were worth too much ), young half grown nannies taste best.
I could never work out why they wanted the bigger billies for export when I was catching and selling them.
Must have a different sense of taste to me.


Performance enhancment?

Pretty much.

Bloody quiet day here.
How’s everyone going?
Did you do any gun stuff today?
I went to the department of name changes and paid for my game licence, they told me to take good care of my recipit because the licence won’t be here any time soon as they are still processing licences from February.

Has been very quiet.
No gun stuff today, the wife has me doing work for her around the house. Will be giving the new toys a clean and oil tonight ready for Sunday.

Other than that I did think about doing my beached whale impersonation and getting in the pool.

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Shot a pcp air rifle last night :ok_hand:t5: bloody nice gotta tell ya, got a few rabbits with my springer

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What no cameo :joy:

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You’d be shocked to hear i actually don’t wear camo much at all besides maybe a hat here and there haha solid ’ earthy ’ colours for me generally out bush and probably jeans :joy:

Oh no, so it is true that @juststarting has taken over as the tacticool one. That is a very scary prospect :wink: :smiley:

You have a lathe setup at home? Want to borrow my .410 Mec (Lee) loader kit to copy? Or the 12 or 16 ga ones? There is a demand for them if you wanted to go the Ebay route. .

While I appreciate the offer mate, my machining skills not very good.
I wo jjj I’d like to try turning up some slugs for shits n giggles.