Bored shit-posting

WTF plus 10 characters

Are you slumming it today?

Dropping the step daughter at the airport to fly back up north to her pos dad!

Did you stop in for coffee and a chocolate bar with JS?

Na I donā€™t like him enough to drive through all that shit, lolā€¦

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He is probably asleep at his desk anyway.

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Tullamarine is its own slice of hell. If Iā€™m flying- even if its just a day trip I park offsite (I use Andrews parking) and get a shuttle bus.
If Iā€™m picking up Iā€™ve got everyone trained now - I just go to the free short term pickup car park they have hidden away and wait for a call, then drive to the pickup area (same spot every time).


Not too far from it. I hurt my back, donā€™t know whatā€™s going on, but I have been in painā€¦ And I had my holster qualification thing today and I knew I was going to be on the move, shooting, so I was having a mid day nap, hoping to recharge a little. Surprisingly wearing a weighted down belt, bending down picking up everyones brass and squatting really helped.

So technically, yes, I was asleep, just not at my keyboard.

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How times change, when you were a young tacker and mum sent you to have an afternoon nap we thought it was unfair and we were being punished. Now days we look forward to an afternoon napā€¦

How did you go with the holster course?

Went great. Loved it.


I took JS out to show him how stupid cows are today.

This is in the middle of shooting, we had a quick cease fire to look at targets. you can kind of see the target van behind them, at one point we had to sprint back and chase them off before they walked on the guns on the tarp, lol!


Speed hole modifications are coming along nicely.
I have a new mission in life, Iā€™m going to shoot the bonnet stay out from 100m even if it takes a million rounds and Iā€™ve already put a couple of hundred rounds down range tryingā€¦

I have some gongs here (thanks @sungazer ) that iā€™m gunna hang up in the windows for some extra ting ting sounds for next plinkfest.

I think that you might have to check the air in that right front tyre, looks like it is a bit low.

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Yeah I better put some air in that before I head to town next :rofl:

Mate I dont see a lot of patching out your previously shot holes so you have a blank canvas to shoot on, SO YOU CAN SEE WHERE YOUR LAST SHOTS WENT.

Yes the gongs are a present you need them and will get much pleasure from that little ting. Just keep the 50 cal boys away from them. No shooting them at 25m be men and move back :rofl: in between giving each other back sack and crack hair trims :disappointed_relieved:

But at 25m they will be able to catch the projectiles as they come back at them. Twice the fun at half the price :joy:

Old holes are patchesā€¦ You can see theyā€™ve been rusted over. LOL

The cows, damn they are retarded.

So did you have a Super time playing with the cows?

Shooting with iron sights so no hope of seeing where the hit without walking up there and then the shiny new holes stand out. Lol :grin:

If only there was someone who had super vision or could leap over to the target and see where the bullet went before it got there. Where is Superman when you need him???