Bored shit-posting

What if you know how to/have changed a tire, does that mean you have to grow a beard?

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I think this pretty much sums it up. :grinning:

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I cant change a car tyre , never even tried and sometimes have a beard.

Maybe I should get a bead breaker, and balancer so I can change tyres after I swap wheels.

I have renovation beard. Was gonna chop it off when Im finished. Think Ill keep it.

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It’s not fun, but it’s not that hard either.
You don’t need a bead breaker, you can use a sledgehammer or just drive over it.
I reckon a car wouldn’t be hard, but doing Unimog tires is, um, fun!

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No you just need to dye your beard pink and find a nice matching frock :laughing:

It’s not pink, it’s salmon!


I thought magenta was all the rage

I just can’t keep up anymore

Nah, i think salmon is back, very coincidental timing but i was at DFO this morning and this woman was trying to push some salmon shorts on me telling me “they’re in” and they can’t keep enough salmon shirts in stock.
I told her it looks like i’ll be out of fashion again this year as i don’t do skinny pants and i sure as hell don’t do salmon lol.
That being said i have to admit i do have a couple of pink shirts :grin:

Have a “mate” who turned up to a shoot with a t-shirt that he had swapped an Aussie team shirt for with a, ( well known to us ), female shooter while overseas. He is adamant that it’s “aggressive salmon”, we don’t care what he says, it’s a sheila’s pink shirt.


Aggressive salmon :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


You ever thought to yourself, this wire cutters that I own, they are just not hipster enough? Like, yeah, they are functional, but, it just doesn’t gel with my piccolo. The handles don’t go well with my bright Hawaiian shorts (yes, shorts, not shirt). I feel like that all the time. Well, fear not! This new fashion accessory goes well with any coffee and the most aggressive salmon pink shirt @JSS has to offer :slight_smile:


This is what boredom looks like.

I’m sorry but it’s just not Tommy Bahama enough with it’s dog poop brown handle, plus it doesn’t have a beard oil holder for the Melbournian hipsters, and most importantly it’s the model that doesn’t have the cold press attachment and i just don’t see the point of cutting wires to break in or out of the compound as you do if you’ve got no bloody coffee once you get through.

P.S. Aggressive Salmon is for girls, real men wear PINK. :grin:

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You need some LSD and a steady stream of the Teletubbies and In The Night Garden…boredom over.

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Hey beardos. Ive never paid my face pubes any attention. Like ever. Is there something I can do to make it less Salafist “tik tik BOOM” and more Taliban “we’re in control now”?

You know, without bein’ a queer or nothin’.

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Yeah, I’m not entirely sure what’s going on here, like a bear convention, loooooota homoerotic energy coming out here. Like lumbersexual deviants going camping. I mean, I’m not sure they are going camping, but if they did, this is what I think it would sound like.


I think you have to move to Melbourne to qualify for that shit mate, but i’m hardly an expert my face fluff never gets past a number two clipper each week.
With that I could qualify for in the Taliban was a suicide bomber so i gave it a miss as the job didn’t have a lot of room for advancement.

Just ignore @juststarting, his LSD has started kicking in. :relaxed:

@bentaz you just made me throw up in my mouth a little… well played sir.

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