The last four or five weekends shooting Service Match, the first target is shot from the prone position and as soon as I land on my belly I need to fart something shocking, but I am too embarrassed to release the dogs of war so I hold it in for the remaining series, make sure Im the last to pack up my gear and then try to let it out silently on the walk to the 25 yard line, but everyone is wearing amplified headsets and I panic and it doesn’t happen so I end up with a fart bubble in my ass the size of a cantaloupe for all 90 shots of the stage. Finally everyone collects their targets and I get mine last and just let it rip like a diesel powered V8 chainsaw. The relief is incredible. Its like when you go to your girlfriends place for dinner the first time and you hold it in until its over and you hop in your car and tear a canyon in the drivers seat cushion.
I just felt I needed to tell somebody. Thank you for reading.
Gun stuff in WA haha is there such a thing? Everytime i’ve approached a club its always been " covid " and they’re not taking any members i did a bit of handgun shooting a while back but it was fkn expensive, like $2 a round