Screw it i’ll come up i’ll bring my 308 + 40 rounds and what 200 of .22? + all the bizz *pending the hume not being messed up
Really at most you would probably need 28 rounds of 308 perhaps 50-100 of 22s. 9.30 start I will be trying to get there earlier to set up. Do you want me to put in another gun 308. There are two classes 308 and everything else. I was going to bring the 6.5 c but haven’t done a load for it yet really.
That would be great if possible, my optics leave alot to be desired at those ranges
done I can bring a scope and or a gun my bed time see you in the morning. Take the Hume up to the Violet town turn off. Turn right away from VT on Harry Creeks road is about 2km down the road
And here I am packing my semi semi auto and an actual semi auto. And some clay pigeons. Oh yerrrr. And a 44, because last time pigeons just didn’t pop with. 22 like they should have 44 solves that
Hi ho hi ho, it’s off to the range we go.
We will take some guns, to have some fun.
Hi ho hi ho
I bought this (500) on the way to plinkfest, along with around 600 more 22 rounds…
Good thing I restocked last weekend.
Be interesting to see how many are left over after tomorrow.
I am just going to sight things. I need to get home, because wife has a night out. So if I have time left over, then I think Sportco is going to get a work out.
Ok, last minute, I know, but I made some 45-70 from hell and will be at Lt River tomorrow, testing. Anyone up for it, I’ll be there first thing in the morning.
Well I certainly read this thread a bit late…
A little bit… But @Oldbloke rocked up for a chat and even brought me a soft drink, unlike everyone else!
That’s a bit rough, no chocolate bar???
Half a bar.
I regret to say I still have a heap of chocolate left over from Xmas. And like a nong didn’t grab the opportunity to transfer a few calories.
But was good to catch up.
I would have teased him an eaten one before giving him the others lol.
@Oldbloke I did think about it but there is the hassles of taking my rifles on the plane.
If I couldn’t take mine I am afraid JS might lend me one of his “tacticool” toys to use.
Oh, mate, we have tacticool, we have cool, we have plain old tactical, we have classic, we have modern, we have old, we have new, we bold one, hairy one, stiiiiinky one… You’d have some to pick from.
Now that’s tempting, I can get into old and classic and new and cool and… oh bugger just about all of them.
You never know your bad luck, I may just roll up one day.