Every time I hear “club only range” I immediately get this mental image:
Thats so good its been screen shotted
“Shoot Lapua Brass”, Oh yes, I have a man for that!
Well yes it is sort of a club only range. But blow in visitors are welcome. Of course as long as they dont mind shooting whatever the schedule is for the day.
Went back out to the range again today this time as a visitor to the gun club Christmas shoot. I much improved my shooting at clays although I really sucked at those shot from the tower from directly overhead (15m).
Dam you shoot a lot when you often have to use both barrels every time.
Its a bit further North and not as flash as LR but there is a SSAA Range at Shepparton very relaxed atmosphere.
@sungazer, for clays, have you tried taking the scope off? It’ll allow for faster shots. If that doesn’t help, try switching from 308 to 12g shotgun.
That would make it too easy. Perhaps slugs in the 12G with red dot.
Or some of those waxed up clay load monsters JS was cooking
Every time I hear “club only range” I immediately get this mental image:
Actually this is probably pretty true. I would think 99% of the competitors would use Lapua. What I dont understand is when other manufactures actually compare there product against it that is just stupid especially if it costs more.
I dont think it is as good as it used to be. But it is hard to find a product in long time manufacture that is.
We have a shoot scheduled for Saturday but looks like we’ll be rained out.
I have a morning pass! Will be at little river first thing I’m the morning!
You are welcome to come and have a fun Christmas shoot day at out range at 500 yrds we will shoot at least 2 ranges of 2 sighters and 10 shots for group size. I may change that to 2 sighter a 5 scoring shots shot twice. And then again so 4 times in the morning. Afternoon will be on the 22s at novelty targets both static and some limited exposure PRS style targets. Starting at 9.30
I’m just going to sight in 22s and that’s about it.
Violet Town You welcome to come. But bring some sausages for the BBQ and some Tim tams for afternoon tea or cake from wollies on the way there. It is all free but catering numbers needed to be in yesterday
Or come to little river and I’ll let you touch my savage. And then you can shoot the A22R too.
Decisions decions both are a boring drive i know if i were to compete in the 500 yard comp id need matcj king ammo
and @sungazer you’ve seen me shoot at that distance haha
We are going to shoot the 500 in the morning then 22 in the afternoon. we are going to shoot the 500 Brnch rest Style not for score but for group size 2 sighter then either 5 or 10 shots I havent decided as yet) do that 20 group scoring shots.
So less than 30 .308’s sunny? Will my lithgow be alright in the comp setup wise?
Yeah we are not really competing for sheep stations maybe a roll of cleaning cloth. The car is packed but I might be able to find room to put one more gun in. If your keen.