Animal prints on file

@AusTac next time you notice things like the stump thing, go and have a sniff around, its likely been marked and may be part of the regular territory marking routine. Could be worth a sit and wait overlooking it at some point :beers:

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Personally, I thought this was obvious, but it seems like most of you blokes need more time in the bush. It is clearly a one legged pirate, with a peg for a leg on a pogo stick.


@darwindingo I first thought it was deer without looking at it to closely, but then i was like doesn’t look like deer generally i find down walk down tracks more across them, by this time my mate i was out with was keen to get going haha, never thought to have a sniff of dog pee @juststarting my mate and i were arguing about the wide stance at points, we both had no idea :joy: she didn’t want to hang around though

I am certainly no expert in tracks however I would think that the pattern would change with the rate and gate that the animal is traveling. For instance the tracks of a horse are different for each gate, walking, trotting, cantering and galloping. I have watched my dog and a similar pattern of gates exists.
Like wise in humans a supermodel walks differently to a knuckle dragging bloke.

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Thank god those girls do, some of them are gorgeous.:stuck_out_tongue:

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So now it’s a peg legged supermodel yowie cross country skiing on a pogo stick… with its dogs… :rofl::yum::sunglasses:

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This is getting weird fellas :joy: im not going back without my 500 now, sounds like theres some yowie freak show snow ski pogoing out there

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…and lubricant. Just in case 500 don’t work.

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