A hypothetical about open/concealed carry permit for handgun owners?

Simple indeed. To protect themselves. Everything you’ve posted above is literally incorrect. Security guards are not law enforcement. They are armed (if you’re in fact referring to money transport) to defend themselves.

Personally, I’m baffled why live stock and money can be protected and humans can’t be.


Hmm maybe I didn’t explain myself as well.

In first situation if the Hyundai guy doesn’t have a firearm he will do what ppl do now, try and drive away or sit and call the cops (which won’t turn up in time anyway, but that’s a different problem). Anyway the chances of a dead person is very low.

Mate you’re last two comments don’t make sense, first you say (rightly) an armed guard can defend himself not the money, then you say money and livestock can be protected by deadly force?

Anyway simple answer cuz in Victoria that’s the law we all have to abide by

In your response to me ( i’m assuming ) well yeah your right, remove the firearm from the situation and the outcome could be different, but it depends who’s hip it’s on too. Necessity and hindsight are both wonderful things.

The consensus i would say that as gun owners we err on the side of caution and common sense rather than being the gun ho type of people many would suspect us to be.

There’s also been more than one instance of road rage turning into a fatal collision for the driver trying to get away…

In the example given of road rage it would not matter if they were armed or not. People who snap enough to let something so small as being cut off drive them into a rage and want to beat up the other person have more issue that need te be resolved.

We had an incident over here last year where a bloke got a chainsaw out the back of his Ute, started it up and went for the person.
We also had another incident a couple of years ago where a father was killed after being beaten with a cricket bat, in front of his kids and family, on Christmas day because the other bloke took offence to being told to stop taking drinks out of their esky.

In both cases the out come could have been different if the other person was carrying. Just to pull a pistol out and point it at someone would, in most cases, make them stop and reconsider.

I meant, they have guns to defend themselves in case of an armed robbery, yet, you can’t have a gun to defend yourself in case of an armed robbery or any type of disproportionality in general…

My opinion, whether you should or shouldn’t doesn’t come in to play here. I am just pointing out that you are saying, no, no, this is bad and then giving an example with security guards that perhaps suggests that it is a reasonable hypothetical.

Ergo, the hypothetical.

The Crimes act does not mention proportionality, only that an otherwise illegal act may be legal self defense http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/vic/consol_act/ca195882/s322k.html

And round and round we go. I am gong to go geek out for a little bit now :slight_smile:

You started it.

Lol true dat…

I do see your point. Just don’t agree to it. So yep same. Let’s talk about who is sent to little river(or Amy other shooting) on the weekend pe today

Sounds to me like we should ban cricket bats, for non professionals anyway.

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At least we don’t have the American Baseball Bat culture here.

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I had reason to visit a Melbourne site the other day and there were Armed Guards with (I think) Glocks at the gate and guardhouse. The site? A school.
When I asked one of them if they were really necessary the reply was well they (The parents) can afford it and want it.

If it’s the schools I think… Those guards I’m fairly sure are all ex IDF and to be perfectly honest, I think are required.

I think some of them were government funded at one point. I think they’re mostly at religious schools though, both Jewish and Islamic.

I’m pretty sure that being ex IDF would be a positive for employment there.
My little shit stir questioning to the guards was along the lines of should I get danger money for being on site?
The thing is before Sept 11 and quite a few years after there were no armed guards there - and no incidents. Something has changed to make them upgrade security. Not just the guards, there were also changes to harden fences and gates against vehicles, as well as whatever I didn’t see. Maybe its in response to the NZ attack.
Being work related I cannot identify the site.

I drive past that jewish school alot can confirm the guards are packing, not very situationally aware though, often have items of clothing over holsters semi-concealing pistols inhibiting a good draw stroke, someone think of the children.

You should offer them a tactical seminar, based on your extensive experience rofl