22LR Rifle Recommendation

Currently looking for my first 22, hopefully I’ll find a not-shit secondhand rifle somewhere for not too much $$$.

Any not-shit advice appreciated.

@malJohann budget and use case?

$250 or less for plinking I guess. I’m not looking to pay Anschutz money. I might go a little bit more for something interesting.

$250 makes this a lot more challenging.

I mean depends on what you like, but you won’t go wrong with CZ 515 American (or tactical), any of CZ457 variants, Lithgow LA101 or Ruger 22LR RPR. All of these are in $1,000+ range though or a little cheaper second hand. Ruger American and Ruger American Compact are next tier down. That’s circa $600-$700, I like these rifles a lot too. So yeah, that’s all I got. Just not the right price tag. For plinking, CZ 515 American as an all-rounder is unbeatable in AU right now, I think.

I mean, there are a few $250…

I just wouldn’t recommend them.

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Not even the Anschutz 1386 single shot for $245?

Oh, there’s heaps of singleshots, I guess use case is important :slight_smile: But seems like you’ve got one in mind already :wink:

Not really, I’ve got shiny object syndrome at the moment. Saw a Savage 22R, a Rossi 8122 Trackr, a Firearms International Survival, and a Winchester 1967 all for between $200 and $400 too.

Also this is green fields for me, I only bought my first rifle last year, and then my shotty about a week ago, so I don’t know what I don’t know.

I have an Ansultz 1450 that I picked up with a scope for 350 bucks second hand. It shoots like stink.
You’ll get smiles per gallon with any of the following cheap second hand 22s.
Old slazangers/lithgows
BSA Sportsman 5, 15, etc.
Any Baikal /Toz bolt gun
All those are cheap, available and last forever and shoot better you can (not having a go at you at all). I have owned or do own those, but theres lots of others I’m sure fall into that category too.

An old bloke I know bought a new Webley & Scott xocet 22 for 450 buck a few months back and shoots perfect scores week in week out in 50m rf bench, just off a bipod. I dont know how much he spent on his scope though.
Lots of good cheap choices out there mate.

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I’ll show my self out. :grinning:

Ooo, @malJohann bolt action or lever or lever release? Have you given it thought?

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Any of these will be good fun plinkers in your price range. Sure there are much better rifles out there, but one of these will keep you going while you save up and hone your skills.

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FYI that toz 17, I’m like 90% sure was sold under Winchester name as well.

I’d love a lever-release, but can go for something like a Henry Goldenboy, or a smooth short stroke bolt gun too.

The Marlin, Baikal, and Anschutz are all speaking my lingo.

This one too though.

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How are Rossi 8122’s?

Not me, sorry

Yep I think you are right. Pretty sure it was called a wildcat.

Truth be told, I’d rather have a Henry AR-7, Ruger 10/22 in a DT Trek-22 bullpup stock, or an American-180 with a 275 round drum mag for funsies, but this isn’t the country for that.


Was this comment in reference to my question about Rossi 8122’s?

Yes, sorry.