What is the biggest calibre you guys own or have shot?

I’ve never really sought out big calibers. 44 magnum is the largest pistol, 30 cal the largest rifle (or 303 if we are going off diameter) and I’ve never let off a canon. Had a chance to many years ago, but I didn’t want to pay for the powder at the time. Knocked back a go on a Boys around the same time - because I’d been drinking.

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Actually the biggest calibre I’ve owned and are my .73 smoothbore doubles

Shot a few rounds from a .375 H&H… that’s it for me.

Biggest i’ve shot is 416 Rigby, and the biggest i own at the moment is 300 win mag which is just big enough to take care of bunnies and cane toads.

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Biggest I’ve ever shot was 7.62x39. Positively tiny compared to you guys.

7mm rem mag

I have nothing on you blokes as the biggest rifle I have fired is 300WinMag.
I have used a 50 cal machine gun though if that counts.


I think it counts probably more than the rest of us that have just shot a bolt action 50.

Yep the 50cal machine gun would definitely be one of those “i need a private moment” experiences. And it counts for sure.

Yeah I’m pretty sure that counts mate! :+1:

300 win mag.

Texas heart shot.

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Done the job mate. :+1:t2: I love my 300 more than my 458, but shushhh she might be listening… What projectiles you running there ? , I run Woodleigh 220gn’ers in the 300. Just never left me wanting on any of my target species… :beers:

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500 A square. Did have mercury in the stock though.

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When I was younger I fired a shoulder mounted 120mm smooth bore. You could say the projectile was about the size of a piece of fruit…say an orange or thereabouts.


While I’ve shot larger calibre muzzle-loaders, the largest calibre cartridge rifle would be a mates 1885 Winchester in .50-110. Once was enough of that for me. A 700 grain bullet on top of 115 grains of powder in a 12lb rifle was very unpleasant to shoot with a shoulder that needed surgery.


Biggest ive ever had the joy of shooting is the lahti l39 20mm anti tank . A friend’s father has 2 of them in his collection in qld . And shooting that alongside the 700 nitro express on the same day. Left me feeling it deep in the shoulder muscles I can tell you that

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