What do you see???

If you were to look out your window what do you see?

As you can tell I am at work and bored :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::innocent::+1::+1:

I see Ethihad…

Not alot :joy:

Mt Bogong, N/E Victoria. 5 minutes ago.

@Bogong can’t cheat, what do you see now out the window was the question, not staged :wink:

That’s exactly the view from my front window.

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I’m jealous :confused:

Still plenty of snow around.

I’m jealous as well, we got plenty of fly’s if you want to trade.

This is what it looks like when it’s snowing at night.

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Not so much out the window but a view from above.

What if ya don’t have windows??:beers:

Then you should ask the warden for a new cell.

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I had no windows at the dairy, it was a lot like being in my reloading room only shiter

Looking out the front door, windows too dirty.:grinning:

Looks peaceful

Our standard comment to visitors is
“How’s the serenity?”

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I’m slightly above sea level today :stuck_out_tongue: