West Australian ' Sniper '

Not sure if you guys got this news but thought it may peak someones interest- a bikie member was shot at a race track a few days ago, big news over here been raids and all sorts by the tacticool lads over here

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Not a bad shot! No great loss, as far as I’m concerned.

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Been trying think what new random gun restriction WAPOL are going to introduce as a result, they normally don’t let something like this go by without treating their LAFO like shit.

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I hope the shot guy has a licence. Otherwise he will be booked for possession of ammunition without a licence.

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So OK which one of you “highly trained shooters” flew across here and did the deed.
As stated in the article it was a “near impossible” shot that could have only been done by a trained professional.
I mean 300 to 340 meters is a very longgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg range. Wish I could shoot that far.

Sometimes living in WA is embarrassing. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive:

Sometimes huh ? Lol. Sheesh that’s quite a story mate, time to move mate we’ll adopt you.

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I keep saying, he just have to signal and we’ll extract him. And his funs. Wife, up to him.


I bet it was a 30-06. If I was WAPol I’d immediately start looking at banning 30-06 cartridges. Immediately.

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What a fucking cringe read.

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At least after that story, hopefully they’ll hold off waterboarding all LAFO’s as part of the investigation lol.

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Bahahaha, I liked the bit where he said it would have to be someone from the eastern states with SAS training. Last time I checked the SASR were based in Perth. :joy::joy::joy: What on earth is he on about…

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Leading the conversation away from LAFOs, I thought it was obvious. Shopkeep took one for the team. LOL

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But what if he’s to heavily guarded or busy geting a cavity search and can’t get a signal out ?.. Perhaps we just need to go in and rescue him, his dog’s and his funs, Wife if he so chooses… lol

I’d just be dissapointed if that distance was the test that qualified you to be an SAS sniper lol… :rofl:


I hope you’re right… what a crack up

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If that is the case just wait 10 minutes then come on in :joy:

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10 minutes huh ? Way quicker than my last prostate exam. Btw… I started asking questions after 45 minutes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Btw, nice payback misquote mate. Love it… :rofl:

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That was how I read it; the guy was trying to take the heat off everyone because saying “Literally anyone with a gun licence could probably make that shot” is how you’d end up with all guns over .22LR getting banned and telescopic sights being moved to Cat D in WA.

Reminder to self.
Never seek or take any advice from that “so-called” 55 year veteran shooter, now dealership Manager.
What a plonker.

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What I took away from the article was that the hardest thing to do was identify the person at that distance given there were so many other people in the area. That may have some truth to it.
In my scope I can clearly see the centre marker on the target at 500yrds which is one of those stick on dots the size of a 10c piece or less.

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