WA licensing fee increase 1/7/21

It really is!

Well you dumb bastards keep voting these fucktards in so you get what you deserve, you should be in Qld where we would never vote the retards ba… Ahh FUCK hang on, we do it here too… God Damn it, why does this keep happening?

Not just in relation to firearm injustice but I wonder what it’ll take for our population to go a little bit French on these pricks?

The trouble is we are the minority these days and “democracy” is just majority rules. We are screwed, as things become more city centric there is no hope of any return to what we think of as normal.

I agree 100%, they say over time society swings back & forth but i think now it’s gone too far one way and it will never swing back to anywhere close to what we used to be.

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Queensland and Katter were the last stand of the country people actually having a say and influencing the city folks. City folks have forgotten where their food comes from and the challenges that living in the country presents.
In saying that at least in Vic Primary Producers do get their shooters license for free you still have to the bank and pay the $0 and get it stamped BS Bureaucracy.


In NSW all pensioners get the licence and PTA’s free, as well as primary producers.

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Always one upping the Vics but good on em.

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All the bullshit for my R Licence to hunt state foerest almost cancelled it out, Vic has it beat there still.

12.5% increase?

Public servants including nurses get 3% - bare that in mind when your relative with a stroke waits 16 hours in the emergency department. WA police no longer have the capacity to man school crossings when traffic wardens don’t show up.

Inflation in WA is over 6% - these prices suggest it’s 12.5%… but they are manipulating the inflation rates with electricity credits.

Let that sink in.

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I have never seen a Police Officer man a school crossing ever in Victoria.
Although the biggest Police operation I have seen in my little country town was a school outing when they did a walkathon. Then they got cops from all over the district to stop cars on any road they had to cross. There were more cops in town than when two armed crims were on the loose known to be in the immediate area