WA guns thing observations

Random thought here…

Obviously, there are interstate dealers who are buying/selling guns from WA. I’ve noticed a little spike, that I can only assume to be guns being exported and sold interstate, be it on consignment or not… I have seen a little spike, but little. I am seeing is some 515, but again, not a lot for number of shooters. Maybe 20ish and very little Suluns or Templetons, etc. So, I find this interesting. There is a lot of noise, but not enough guns for the noise. Noise is good, great even, but I am just looking at it form number of guns and there is just not a lot. Just an interesting observation.

As far as I know bunnings hasn’t sold out of 3" drain pipe and end caps so most of the WMDs have probably been handed in

I abandoned social media after labor won 46 out of 59 seats so I might be out of touch

Heaps of guys just getting rid of guns left right and centre in WA from anecdotal stories. Alot juat giving in and handing them in for nothing, the slightly more motivated ones are sending them over east.

:frowning: sad

Most i would say are being rendered or handed in. For $400 bucks to ship little got put on gun sales. Over 60 were handed in just yesterday by one dealer.