WA Gun Rally - February 8, 2025

We can officially announce the WA Gun Rally will be taking place from 10.30am on Saturday, February 8th at the Supreme Court Gardens in Perth.

This will be a family-friendly event so we are asking for neat, casual dress and encouraging attendees to be sun smart.

We can also confirm WAPOL have issued us a Public Assembly permit for the event.

There is NO MARCH associated with the rally - it is entirely a static event at the Supreme Court Gardens.

Please sign up for e-mail updates - not only will this help keep you informed, it will help us gauge attendance numbers for organisational purposes.

The sign-up link is: at WA rally

Bonus content, since the members here are cool and funny people: Our media director has been reading the “colour commentary” across social media and shaking his head at some of it.


Best of luck, appreciate all you do, hope you get a nice turnout and smooth event.

And you’re not wrong, reading some of the comments on Facebook makes me feel like my brain is melting.


Good luck I hope you guys get a huge turnout, shooters need to get off their asses on this one.


Thank you! Things are coming together and there’s several people working long hours to organise this.

Some of the Facebook commentary has been bizarre, to say the least.


Ive always believed, farcebook gives idiots a voice… that they REALLY don’t need or should have…

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People certainly say a lot of stuff on Facebook they probably wouldn’t say in the real world (without a few drinks first).

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So much love from WAFCA

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Especially considering they have never responded to a single e-mail we’ve sent them, whether it’s asking to be involved with WAFCA when they announced its formation, or sending them a formal invitation to attend the rally.

Obviously we know what their answer is now…

Did you have your WA rep in place when they started? From memory he wasn’t.

Yes, we did. He even asked to attend the formation meeting of WAFCA.

Shooters Union Western Australia is delighted to announce speakers for the WA Gun Rally, taking place this Saturday at the Supreme Court Gardens in Perth from 10.30am!

The speakers will include:

  • The Hon Louise Kingston MLC, Member for South Western Region

  • Mr Ryan Burns, Lead Libertarian Candidate for WA Upper House

  • Dr Augusto Zimmermann, Law Professor and Former Law Reform Commissioner

  • Mr Steve Harrison, Shooters Union Western Australia State Advocate

  • Mr David Brown, Shooters Union Western Australia Director

This is a family-friendly event, WAPOL-approved event focussed on the issues with WA’s gun laws and what WA shooters can do about them - and it is an outdoor event (the forecast is for a sunny, warm day!) so SU WA are asking everyone to remember their hats, sunscreen, and hydration too.


Ive written multiple letters to to my local mps and the only postive response was from the nationals representative. My biggest gripe is that im a land owner (22acres) that i run sheep and a large amount of chickens that my son turns a profit on at the local auction.

Now im in a predicament that ive already handed in my air rifles and small bore shotguns that i used for vermin control. Now i have the problem of handing in my smaller calibres that i use extensively on my ptoperty and other smaller properties around me. Or my larger calibre rifles that i use to hunt when i travel up north hunt pigs, deer and goats

So what do i do? wound larger animals with small calibres and put myself in danger and animals through undo suffering or use large calibres on small properties that imo is dangerous and causes a problems with noise complaints. Ive expressed this situation with the firearms branch and they cant seem to give me an answer.

Sorry about the poor grammer and hope to see a good turn on the 8th


Move to Australia, we are accepting refugees mate!

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good morning and good luck with the wa ralley today. :+1:

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Thanks for the kind words! The rally went really well; at least 1500 people showed up, the crowd behaved extremely well and the speakers were really good.

Even after the main event wrapped up, huge numbers of people stayed behind to talk to the speakers and SUWA representatives - it was a great day.