Vortex warranty claims

I have a vortex crossfire red dot that came with a lifetime warranty, I’ve just gone to use it and the dot is coming on between the clicksand is off when its set on a setting, if that makes sence?
Obviously thats not right, and it hasn’t done this in the past, I’ve put hundreds of rounds through my Berika Navy Seal with this sight with no dramas before.
I bought this at my old LGS in Ballarat, but have since moved interstate.
Also worth noting I live in a small town with one shit LGS that aren’t very helpful unless you shoot clays with them.
I have emailed Vortex asking what I should do, but I thought it couldn’t hurt to ask here if anyones been through a similar situation.
Also figured documenting my experience might help someone else in the future.

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Will be watching and keeping my fingers crossed for you. It really shouldn’t matter which shop and the one now nearest you should use this as an opportunity to make you a customer for life at little or no expenses to themselves. Anyway goodluck.

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Just so I can be that guy who asks the stupid question… Have you tried putting a new battery in it?
I know by the sounds of what you’re describing it shouldn’t be the case, but if it was fine when you put it away & haven’t used it for a while, well you know, stranger things have happened??

Also, hopefully their warranty covers electronics, even really great warranty brands like Leupold don’t cover the electronics after a while.

Fingers crossed.

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Yeah mate that was my first thought too.
Tried new battery, even tried looking in the wrong end just incase I had my head on backwards.
I you look through it you can see the dot flash as you click through the settings. You can leave it between clicks and it stays on, but if you breathto hard it settles into its click and the light goes out.

Warranty states its covered for ever and everything excludeding deliberate damage and cosmetic damage that doesn’t affect it working.

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My guesstimate is a slipped disk. that is you are turning the knob but the inside contacts are not moving. Time in storage could be a factor in grease drying out /going sticky. I would put money on it being mechanical.

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Glad to hear they cover everything. A good warranty & customer service are big selling points for me these days.

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Bloody oath mate

Prompt reply from Vortex, happy with the service so far.


I have already heard back from them.

So far i cannot fault their customer service.
I think they may have earned a customer for life.


Well it doesn’t get much better than that. Sounds like you’ll have a new one on the way shortly.

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I had great service with them a few years ago when I bought a new spoting scooe. The eye relief was very short but “just” in spec, they sent a replacement out before I had even returned the original.


Can’t complain about that mate.

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The local distributor is - or at least was a couple years ago - Extravision in Queensland. I had a problem with a Viper PST 1-6 and they were super easy to deal with, very communicative, and pretty fast on the turnaround - sent mine down and they’d sent a replacement within an hour or two of receiving it.