Travelling to NSW with rifles

So I will be travelling to NSW in a couple of weeks and plan on taking a few essential items, ie: a rifle, a shotgun and a .22.
what special (to NSW) stuff to I need to be aware of?

Not an expert, but fairly certain it’s the same other than bolts out or lever locks on. I think.

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in NSW we have no transportation laws for long arms. There is a fact sheet from the FAR about what they ask for.

You just need to either have them either inoperable, locked in a box or out of sight.

Google nsw firearms registry transportation fact sheet.

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Thanks mate, I’ll look it up now :+1:

Pretty straight forward, trigger locks (never thought I’d actually use them) and keep them out of sight.

Thanks again @wylie27

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The kicker is the following,

The Commissioner has determined that ‘all reasonable precautions’, as
required under section 39 of the Act, have been met if category A & B firearms
are conveyed in the same manner as category C, D & H firearms.

This is where the “all reasonable precautions” part catches people out.
Yes , you can just apply the minimum requirement, i.e. trigger locks and out of sight, but if some low-life smashes your window and grabs them out from under your blanket, you are the bloke in the shit.

Personally, I apply the _“locked box secured to the vehicle”_approach when travelling.