Snider, it's here.

No problem. Also, have you considered 577-450 Martini Henry? Just to throw a spanner in the thought process :slight_smile:

It is definitely on the list too. I just wasn’t aware the Snider was a thing until the other day and then had some catching up to do.

Have started putting together a list of everything I want along with what I’m willing to pay. That is project in and of itself.

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Something to note with Milsurps. When possible , buy the best one you can afford. Pay the extra for the better condition rifle if you can. You will be grateful in the end. Some el cheapo Milsurps are cheap for a reason, can be more trouble than they are worth. Be very wary of “cheap” Milsurps that are way below market value. There is nearly always a reason. The days of “he doesn’t know what he has” are rare and well spaced apart.

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I’ve noticed the prices on the SSAA gun site are usually better than the other two, as well - there’s a few old timers there selling stuff they don’t need/can’t shoot any more and anything they get for it is more than they paid for it thanks to inflation etc.

And @juststarting, that’s a nice snider!

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Prices for Milsurps are definitely in a bit of a bubble at the moment, definitely a seller’s market. Gunshops in general are low on stock thanks to Covid. I’ve been tracking things down from all over Australia. Lee Enfields, Mausers and Swiss rifles are getting stupid money atm.

They’ve been like that for the past five or six years, though, which is the irritating thing.

The general thought was they might settle down once the WWI centenary was over, but no, people are still asking for $1200 for average at best SMLEs. Very occasionally an old fella sells one off for around the $500 mark but those are usually gone to whoever presses F5 first on the site.

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That is exactly how I got mine. Saw it online for $700 at 10pm, called the store from my work carpark at 8.30 the next morning, couldn’t believe my luck when he said it was still there. It was an old bloke who was retiring and selling his collection before heading out as a grey nomad. Though I’d push it and asked if he could do it for any less and he immediately said he’d do it for $600 then asked if I’d like him to email me the “list of all the rest that aren’t up online yet”. Ended up with a Carcano for $100 as well. Just didn’t have the cash for more.

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Yeah, you share here next time, you prick

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Being the primitive gun lover, I would LOVE to give one of these bad boys a go on the deer scene !!!

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