Smoookin (ribs)!

I’ll have to check it out. Thanks.


I’ll have to dig up Coke BBQ sauce recipe I found, total winner on pork ribs. But basically, tomatoes, Coke, molasses, brown sugar and as much habaneros as your butthole can handle.

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Haha, Ive done similar on wings! Worked a treat.

Nothing like the dryness and freshness of a full carcass aged for a couple of days max cut. The vac packing does a number on the meat.

Slow as, not even starting to pull back. Good! Im one of those amateurs that usually goes in too hot and has to wrap early.

[A few hours later]
Y’all like that rib sauce coma or what?


Looks a treat mate. :yum:

Ever wondered if the Weber kettle lid thermometer is accurate?
Hard to see, but thermometer is about 93

Pulled the probe out of the pig and let it dangle for 15 mimutes

Damn thats pretty close.

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Damn that looks tasty man, that guage is way more accurate than the one on the kettle I cooked on at xmas… yeah lets just say err heavily caramalised :joy:

They are accurate enough, but the question is, which are dose it measure…

your after 96 arent you?

95 Ill pull it and wrap. I pulled the probe out for a bit just to check the chamber temp.

We still talking about smoking meat here ? Lol

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