Shop review (broadly)

I feel like this thread should be posted far and wide:
Is it just me or are salespeople at gun stores typically rude and unhelpful? : r/Ausguns (

Just something to think about. Probably unfair to paint everyone with the same brush, but this is certainly not out of the norm.

Ive met a few like that. To be fair at one of those shops they did become very friendly once they knew you were a potential repeat customer, but they went out of business.

but how do you know if someone is a potential repeat customer when someone is making it so you won’t comeback

I was a persistent prick I wanted something and wouldnt leave them alone until they helped. Perhaps they just didnt want the hassle then after. :innocent:

I used to have a great LGS where the first thing to work out when I walked in the door was whether it was my or one of the shops crew shout for coffee that day, but sadly no more.
If the staff have a genuine love and good knowledge of guns I reckon you’ve got a better chance of getting good service, although in general there definitely does seem to be an initial attitude you need to breakthrough when walking into a new shop.

I reckon if you want good service straight off the bat go in dressed like this,

Then they know you don’t know the meaning of “spare time” so aren’t there to fuck around, you’re there to buy some shit. :smile:

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Im lucky, I’ve got two good stores to choose from. By lucky I mean 100% of the stores I have to choose from have good blokes and even the sheila at one fo them is knowledgeable, shoots big calibre rifles, pistols and has enormous bosoms and shirts that are one size too small.

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One of the sheilas at the good store I went to was a bloke. :grinning: That took some adjustment time first time confronted thinking WTF.


But did you get a secret semi??

A sneaky Cat C.

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Oh i see what you 2 did there

I will for a for a change quote "Trump “She was not my type” then cross to a quote from Sienfeld “There was no movement” It was a pure time stood still while I gathered my thoughts on how to react appropriate and politely. After the first meeting and the intital shock it was all fine. She was a very strange person. Not really going over over the top to be all girly no voice alteration so it was really strange but not an ongoing strange.

BACK ON TOPIC or new thread to discuss others first meetings

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You can have the other extreme where there is five salesmen talking shit with the regulars and you wait 15 minutes to buy some ammo from the one junior sales assistant who is actually serving customers

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I walked out of a Brisbane gun shop (no, not the one you’re probably thinking of) because of something similar to that - I was in there 30 minutes wanting to get some stuff, but the only staff member around was having a chinwag with one of the regulars about nothing particularly important, no-one came to see if I needed any help, and in the end I put all the cleaning stuff I was going to buy back on the shelf and left.

That’s not even getting into stores who list stock they don’t have online (again, this is a widespread problem and not referring to any one store), or don’t seem to understand there’s a big difference between “What the importers can theoretically get” and “What’s actually in stock for delivery now”.

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