Rust control....

One of my milsurps has a a small amount of external rust/pitting between the woodwork, and barrel, nothing serious.
What do people use to stop it progressing?
Grease…or similar…??

You gotta remove it if you want it to stop. There are some abrasive blocks specifically for firearms that are okay on light surface rust. Find them at the counter of your local gun store. They look a pencil eraser. For harder stuff:

Myself I scrub it clean to remove the flakes, dry it proper and if its bad I hit it with a spray product like Rust Buster. Harsh as hell, does the job. Clean and dry again, then cold blue it. Most cold blue applications include steps that require oiling/preserving. If not, add a spray of Lanox.

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Yeah its not super bad, just want get onto it before it is bad…Cleaned it and sprayed it with lanox at this point.