Prohibited weapon/prohibited pistol in NSW

I have read the NSW Weapons Prohibited Regulation 2017, clause 48, Schedule 1 and the Firearms Act 1996, Section 4C-Prohibited Pistol, and found no reason for the S&W M&P 5.7x28mm to be PROHIBITED in NSW?

All of you good people, any ideas why?

ZERO factual idea, but if this is the case, my guess would be something to do with magazines. maybe there are no dedicated 10 rounders.

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That was my first thought too, but they make a 10 rnd version from the factory to be communism, I mean California legal, so that would be the one they ship here I’m guessing.

From what I’ve noticed NSW seems to be the worst with mags, even when they’re 10 rounds if they (in their imaginations) deem them easy to turn back into more than 10 rounds they will ban them, even though all the other states deem them to be fine.
All states seem to have some particularly retarded things when it come to guns and that’s one of NSW’s.

That is correct JSS. We had the same problem with CZ - regarding CZ magazines w2hgich the NSW police deemed unsuitable and badly crimped/
clipped and they thought, it could could be extended!?

Now, we have the same problem with S&W M&P 5.7x28 - I discovered by searching and researching, not that the Firearms Office told me. The NSW police are reportedly not happy with the way its magazine is shortened to 10 rounds!?

No just starting, it is the crimping off magazine to 10 rounds! The NSW police are paranoid that the magazine can be extended! S&W said that the 10 round magazine is factory made - but how? by placing rounds limiter/stopper into it? If that is correct, I am not surprised that it is prohibited! But, only in NSW!?

Paranoia, and desire for control, to please the Emperor!

Yes, it is magazine.