Oz Gun Lobby Facebook page

G’day Guys n Gals
In an effort to help build this community (much to my personal disgust) I have created an Oz Gun Lobby Facebook page.


If you’re on Facebook go on over and give the page a like and share it with you friends. Feel free to send me a friend request @ https://www.facebook.com/benny.benson.568847
but understand I’m not a fan of Facebook and won’t be sharing your cat pics and other Facebook dribble in general, I’m only forcing myself to Facebook for the sake of promoting this forum.
If any of you guys are keen Facebookers I’d be happy to have some more admins on the page, If your interested drop me a PM here of on Facebook.

Joining facebook,that’s real commitment… :grinning:

Can’t stop the bulldozer of progress while riding a horse @Oldbloke :wink:

yeah, but it wont be the real me…