Other game ideas

It sees that the Guess the cartridge game is a hit, does anyone have any ideas of other games we can start?
Games seem to be a good ice breaker for new members.

I want to start monthly photo comps, while we are still small, I plan to start with small prizes like Oz Gun Lobby stickers (which i’m in the process of organising) and working up to T-shirts etc or even trying to get sponsors to donate cool prizes, but we can start small and build up as we go. This should start soon :+1:

I have some other ideas that can be implemented once the forum ages a bit, but any other fun games people want to suggest or even just start? We are open to all suggestions.

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What gun is this? Make, model and caliber

What projectile is this? calibre & weight?

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Photo comp sounds cool, but the picture must feature a gun of some type.

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How’s about 1 a month with “Feature - Gun of the Month” something with a few pics, a bit of a blub about it’s history, how you got, what you like about it…if it can be templated then that’d be a good reference thread and maybe block comments so it’s not clogged up. At the of the yr the feature with the most love scores the owner a sticker or a spooning session with Oldbloke :slight_smile:


I like Bretts idea.
It would also be like a mini review for people who are looking for the same gun/calibre.

You just like the idea of spooning with OldBloke! :rofl:

Guess the gun is a good one, too.

@Gwion only if he shaves first :sunglasses::sunglasses::innocent:

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Argh… that’s frightening! :rofl:

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That’s OK. Brett, don’t forget your piles ointment. I’ll bring the condom. :vulcan_salute:

I also have a wide leather collor for you in case I sink my teeth in a bit too hard.



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