You might be ready for the Zombie apocalypse but what about those back country werewolf encounterrs???
Can never be too prepared!
I actually looked into casting some silver bullets, bought a 1kg ingot back in January then realised it needs a significant amount of heat to melt, 962c compared to 328c for lead. Moulds would need to be made of steel cause alloy melts at around 660c and then there’s the hardness to deal with. The spot price on silver was $20.92 per 480 grains at 10:03 this morning which equates to about $10.50 per projectile for the 44 Magnum. It’s possible to do and I’ll come back to it when time permits, till then I have a nice shiny paper weight.
I’d chew that slug out of what it was shot into with my teeth, even if it was JustStarting’s hairy butt crack
Holy crap. Silver is one thing but Gold!?!
According to Mohs scale for metal hardness, silver is slightly softer than brass at 2.5-3 v 3 for brass. You could cast a rod and machine bullets like monolithic brass jobbies.
Had the same idea about machining but that’s a bit more work then I’m prepared to deal with at the moment. I have ideas of building an electric arc furnace to melt the silver. I’d cast the projectiles in wax with a conventional mould then use them for lost wax casting with a fine grain sand. I’m so looking forward to retirement and getting back the 60-80hrs a week currently wasted mashing a keyboard in a office.
That’s a lot of hours you could spend playing with toys, Brett!