Lyman Shotshell Handbook 2nd Edition (1976)

I scored this book at a secondhand book shop a little while back for $5
It’s great, it has loads for 410 through to 10ga, for bird shot, buckshot and slugs.

It has almost 300 pages of shotshelly goodness.

Has some great pics of @1Fatman and @Oldbloke back when they were first developing cartridge loads for their new fangled breach loaders.
If anybody needs / wants me to look up some loads etc. feel free to hit me up.

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Geeze we were a good looking pair back in the day. Like a good bourbon we just get better with age. :grinning: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Good find with the book, I guess you will be locked away with it in the toilet for a few hours ???

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