Is QLD following in WA's footsteps?

I’ve heard rumours and bits & pieces about WLB requesting “extra information” in regards to certain calibres which I believe are 30cal and above (but I could be mistaken). Here’s an actual copy that someone posted up after receiving it recently.
Apparently the story is that WLB have made these “policies” up themselves and aren’t backed or in line with any current laws or regulations.
Allan from Allan Swan Gunsmithing has apparently been talking with the police minister about it and they say it’s without their consent or approval and aren’t happy about it. But this is just what I’ve heard. @ShootersUnion do you know anything about this or what’s going on?

Here’s the request someone has received & posted up.

Does look like what they were trying with the VPF’s here in WA before they just decided to ban them outright.

This has been going on for a while now and we’re working with the Police Minister to put a stop to it. There’s no legislative basis for any of it - the only calibre explicitly banned in QLD is .50BMG and there is nothing in the Act restricting other rifle cartridges.


Ok cool, yep that was my understanding of the rules too with the 50bmg.
Is it accurate what I heard, that the Police Minister isn’t on board or happy about WLB doing it? It seemed like an odd (or very honest & brave) thing for him to openly admit. No pressure to answer that if it puts you in an awkward position though. :grin:

Would you mind keeping us posted as to your progress with this? Also admins could move this to the lounge section too if you’d prefer it to be a bit less public.

Honestly, I’m not in the meetings so I simply don’t have any information to share about that.

Obviously we’ll keep everyone informed as best we can on what’s going on, though.


maybe we need to threaten a rally in brissy if they keep it up… more Queenslanders will turn up im sure than those wa pussys…