Interesting news articles

Well it’s about time we had a f@#kin win!!!
I really enjoyed the “wlb are the EXPERTS” line !!!:rofl:

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Oh dear, needs a little bit more PT and BJJ. Just awkward for everyone.

This wouldn’t have happened if guns were banned, you know. Bwahahahahha.

Should be fired on the spot. This is a cardinal sin, not that I believe in sins, bit if I did, this would be it. Him, his superior, everyone who is bloody responsible for him, fired!

Must have missed his 20 minutes of firearms retention training… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

We better ban axes too, is nobody thinking of the children?

…and scissors.

too soon?

whay happened with scissors?

@GUN-DMC :nerd_face: Preventative measures, would be my guess… Its possible that It could potentially protect those that choose to run with scissors from injuring themselves or others N stuff N things N stuff… :rofl:


What the actual WTF?! And yes, I’m and admin and I can say duck, duck, duck, duck, Godaddy , WTF! Seriously though, that’s according to VicPol media releases, second AK (or similar) in as many weeks.

And here I am like a schmuck, paying for PTAs. Everything is bad. Meh.

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Why can’t I say a swear word which is common in the English language and you can?

What’s good for goose is good for the gander.

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You can virtually say anything you like on AHN.

Word list relaxed, @Bogong. Schmucks for everyone :slight_smile:

I guess we are a more polite bunch then :slight_smile:

It’s a common word used by everyone in Australia.

…and now you too can drop it at will. Actually, it’s a common word, but a rude word. So really, using it is considered crude and impolite, two separate points on common and use. I’ve been known to educate sailors on proper use of terminology, so I suppose I can’t talk :slight_smile:

Women use it, men use it. It’s not even a swear word anymore. I hear it around here all the time. Police use it to get a point across. Everyone uses it. It’s not a swear word anymore.

Fair enough.

I tend to agree, I think c+×÷ is really the only swear word left. Maybe we should try to invent some new ones?

Odd, I thought the F & C words were “black listed”? What happened.

Guess I’m the gentleman of the forum.